4 adjectives to describe cadavers

We counted the charred cadavers of fifteen automobiles and twice as many dead horses during that ride.

Circumstant, largoque humeclant imbre cadaver; Sheffeildum video, in lacrymis multoque dolore Formosum, ætatis Flaccum, vatisque patronum; Te Montacute, te, cujus musa triumphos Carmine Boynæos cucinit, magnumque Wilhelmum Æternavit, et olim Boynam, ignobile flumen; Teque,

Circumstant, largoque humeclant imbre cadaver; Sheffeildum video, in lacrymis multoque dolore Formosum, ætatis Flaccum, vatisque patronum; Te Montacute, te, cujus musa triumphos Carmine Boynæos cucinit, magnumque Wilhelmum Æternavit, et olim Boynam, ignobile flumen; Teque,

While the two fields are different in character and scope, they are so interrelated and interwoven that any successful attempt to separate them would leave the inquirer with two segments of a lifeless social cadaver.

4 adjectives to describe  cadavers