20 adjectives to describe cafes

Tacked upon the door of the little cafe where we ate our meals was a card setting forth, with painful German particularity, the tariff which might properly be charged for food and for lodging and drink and what not; and it was done in German-Gothic script, all very angular and precise; and it was signed by His Excellency, the German commandant; and its prices were predicated on German logic and the estimated depth of a German wallet.

LASKY, FLORIA V. The ballad of the sad cafe.

Waiter at the Promenade outdoor cafe is hounded by seagulls.

CHAPTER ELEVEN "Say," remarked Sabrina, as we met her in front of her favorite cafe, "say, loosen up, cough, give down, come to, kick in.

Then he suspected that some of the fugitives from that dirty cafe were near, intending to follow him.

It is a paradise in reality, as its names implies; and during the summer evenings, when its many thousand gas jets blaze in globes of various colors, and the magnificent illuminations of its grand cafes produce a brilliancy of coloured light intense enough to see pins on its walks and flower-beds, the scenes become grand beyond description.

In addition to the hotels, you may dance at innumerable cafes.

He crossed the street and invited me for a cup of tea at a nearby cafe at Jesuit House, Jasmal or Jesema.

"It will cost more, I suppose," he muttered regretfully to himself, as he entered a neat cafe where the door was opened to him by a boy in livery.

Tump Pack piloted Peter Siner to a negro cafe where they could eat, and later they searched out a negro lodging-house on Gate Street where they could sleep.

We had fasted for many hours, and while we were doing our part in unpacking the small store of food which we had brought with us, Madame, with her usual genius, had discovered on the outskirts of Poperinghe an obscure cafe, where for a small sum the proprietor allowed us to use his kitchen.

There was nothing to suggest war or a captured city in the family parties sitting at small tables before the outlying cafes or strolling decorously under the trees that shaded every road.

Joe bought a plastic chair, a round cafe table, and an hibachi for the lanai.

In the vicinity of Broadway, Kearny and Columbus avenue, streets that penetrate the heart of the Latin Quarter, and along upper Montgomery street, there are sufficient individual cafes to keep any explorer after atmospheric epicurism busy for many days.

Those vivid cafes, saloons, concert halls, have sprung up everywhere; theatres, museums, gardens are in full blast; shops are crowded, hotels, street cars, stages overflowing with careless, noisy, overdressed people.

Crowds come and go under the arcades, loiter at the tables closely set before the brilliant cafes, or stroll with laughter and snatches of song and free Venetian banter where there is less restraint, up and down the broad space of the Piazza, between the colonnade and the burnished Eastern magnificence of San Marco, beyond the reach of the yellow lamp flamestheir laughing faces grotesque and weird in the white glare of the moon.

I was glad to have the spell which had been woven on me broken by strains of music from a wayside cafe, or rather the remains of a cafe, for the windows had been demolished and wreckage was strewn about the door, but the piano within had survived the ravages.

I went into one fairly clean little cafe, where it seemed one might risk a cup of teayou are not supposed to drink unboiled or unbottled water in such neighborhoodsand the dismal old Jew who kept the place told me that he had been there since the war began.

The disgruntled and disappointed Britons have comforted themselves with prophecyhow often have I heard them at it in the cosmopolitan cafes of Constantinople!the burden of their melancholy lay being that some day Turkey would learn who is her real friend.

I remember being distinctly impressed by the comic opera setting; the gay costumed soldiers in a crowded French cafe, the big American and the little heroine.

20 adjectives to describe  cafes