58 adjectives to describe camels

A serious inconvenience, not to say danger, is the meeting of two camel caravans travelling in opposite directions on the narrow track, which, in many places, is barely ten feet broad, and barely sufficient to allow two horses to pass each other, to say nothing of heavily laden camels.

" The tutored chiefs advance with speed, and bring Imperial presents to the future king; In stately pomp the embassy proceeds; Ten loaded camels, ten unrivalled steeds, A golden crown, and throne, whose jewels bright Gleam in the sun, and shed a sparkling light, A letter too the crafty tyrant sends, And fraudful thus the glorious aim commends.

Bring me two fat camels.

He mounted his swiftest camel, ten years old, and went to her house.

Leave four bales of hides; I took them conditioned upon no better freight offering; and put the women on the two lame camels.

And tofore them he commanded to go a multitude of innumerable camels laden with such things as were needful to the host, as victual, gold and silver, much that was taken out of the treasury of the kings.

When they came back, the hobbled camels were snoring, and the unfed fires were smouldering.

The dowry was fixed at five hundred brown black-eyed camels, and a thousand camels loaded with the choicest products of Yemen.

Strengthen the yellow camel.

" The tribe highly applauded this act, and Jahir was so humiliated by the generosity with which he had been treated, that he returned mare and colt to Kerim, adding to the gift a pair of male and a pair of female camels.

With the Touaregs, the civil, or war against the Arabs, replaces the war against the Christians, and has not been less actively celebrated: "We have saddled the shoulders of the docile camel, I excite him with my sabre, touching his neck, I fall on the crowd, give them sabre and lance; And then there remains but a mound, And the wild beasts find a brave meal."[10]

"Sahib, for the whole of that day he ran beside the fast camel, my brother drawing rein for no single minute, and when, at dawn, I awoke from broken slumber in the saddle, Moussa Isa was running yet!

A splendid trotting camel had been found lying dead a little way down the track.

There shall you see a puny boy start up, And make a theme against common lawyers; Then the old, unwieldy camels 'gin to dance, This fiddling boy playing a fit of mirth; The greybeards scrub, and laugh, and cry, Good, good!

I may add what this writer says regarding Somal poetry: "The subjects are frequently pastoral; the lover, for instance, invites his mistress to walk with him toward the well in Lahelo, the Arcadia of the land; he compares her legs to the tall, straight Libi tree, and imprecates the direst curses on her head if she refuses to drink with him the milk of his favorite camel.

Here and there grew some low herbage scarcely sufficient for the frugal camel; even this ceases a few miles before coming to Assad, and from thence to Hilla the desert appeared uninterruptedly in its sad and uniform nakedness.

Then, though we understood him not, we left him, for he was insistent, and passed on our journey southwards through the desert, and we came before the middle of the day to an oasis of palm trees standing by a well and there we gave water to the haughty camels and replenished our water-bottles and soothed our eyes with the sight of green things and tarried for many hours in the shade.

The stately elephants, the hideous camels and the beautiful horses went around to be looked at, wondered at, and admired.

I am a Somal, and these ignorant camels think I am a negroa filthy Hubshi.

" That's how he wires, alternate days, But sends no troops to trammel The foe that follows as I bump Across Judæa on the hump Of my indifferent camel.

It is difficult to believe that if the Indians had inhabited these valleys continuously from Inca times to the present we should not have found at least a few of the indigenous American camels here.

And like the Arab, when he bears To the insulted camel's path His garment, which the camel tears, And straight forgets his wrath; So, yonder badges of your sway, Life's paltry husks, to you I give: Fall on, and in your blindness say, We hold the fugitive!

There were little camels scarcely more than twelve inches high, little taller than cotton-tail rabbits and smaller than the jackass rabbits; horses 15 inches high, scarcely larger than, and very similar in build to, the little English coursing hound known as the whippet; it is not improbable that we shall find the miniature deer; there certainly existed ancestral wolves and foxes of similarly small proportions.

They discussed the matter for a long time, the one affirming the other denying the statements, until Hadifah closed the altercation by saying, "I hold to the wager, on condition that the winner takes from the loser as many male and female camels as he chooses."

"Even as I have sought to show you, oh, addle-witted offspring of mangy camels and one-eyed mules!

58 adjectives to describe  camels