200 adjectives to describe capital

A little capital in hand would give you a chance to water the Panhattan stock and develop a new lead in the Silverwing.

In October, 1848, Government troops stormed the city of Vienna as if it had been a foreign capital, and defeated the students and citizens, who fought the soldiers from street to street.

In consequence of it not a single seaport except Macao was opened to foreign trade; and when foreigners went to Canton, they were lodged in a suburb and not allowed to penetrate within the walls of the provincial capital.

It was the gayest capital in the Western hemisphere.

They attempted to enter York but at Fulford on the 20th September they were routed, and Hardrada held the great northern capital.

There nevertheless remained sufficient capital in the country, and the people were sufficiently enlightened, to give just and extensive hope for the future which now dawned on them.

On the first occasion of transferring the Council from Calcutta to another place, we ought to select some considerable townthe capital of a Province or local Government, if possible.

I need not speak of its works of art,its palaces, its baths, its aqueducts, its bridges, its basilicas, its theatres, which called out even the admiration of the citizens of the imperial capital.

They surprise and get possession of the western capital, and there settle down to pass the winter.

I will put in, as my additional capital, my professional knowledge, and half the annual profits, as long as it is carried on, shall be yours.

But the Emperor was not at Fez; he was in the southern capital, and it was necessary for me to go via Mogador, to endeavour to obtain an interview with him at that place.

No country is rich or safe without a vast capital in hand as a reserve for times of trouble, war, or famine.

It is not every Keeper of the Privy Purse who thus manages to double the initial capital.

Antwerp, the temporary capital of Belgium, was at this time invested, but not yet besieged, by the German army.

The numerous settlements that were planted by them along the coast from Morocco to Senegal provided for the needy members of the constantly increasing population of a great commercial capital, and also strengthened the influence which Carthage exercised among the tribes of the African coast.

Then they command an immense capital.

The total capital of the five endowments (in reality only four, for one of them no longer possessed anything) amounted to nearly a million of dollars.

If every commodity on an average remained unsold for a length of time equal to that required for its production, it is obvious that, at any one time, no more than half the productive capital of the country would be really performing the functions of capital.

She cannot live on her resources with her enormous capital in ruins.

Panama was originally independent of Colombia, and had been badly treated by the Colombian Government, which, in its distant capital of Bogota, was out of touch with Panamanian interests, and returned to the province but a very small share of its taxes.

It is an Imperialist war, a war for the capitalist domination of the world's markets and for the political domination of important regions for the placing of industrial and banking capital.

We have so little minddoing business on such a limited capital of intellectthat to wear it threadbare looking for a far-off thing is to get hopelessly stranded in Siegel, Cooper & Company.

Florence was the intellectual capital of the world in the renaissance period, and the truest representative of its spirit.

Patterning herself on Alexandria, the city had become to all intents and purposes the eastern capital of Roman empire.

" It is needless to add that these large works are conducted, not by single owners, but in nearly all cases by the managers of associated capitals.

200 adjectives to describe  capital