45 adjectives to describe carrier

Soon, these too will go in the approaching rainy season, and then we shall fall back on the one universal beast of burden, the native carriers.

(3) It fell to his lot as a rule to provide the covering force for aerial operations carried out from seaplane carriers in southern waters.

Our Northern brethren also, I believe, felt a little tender under those censures; for though their people have very few slaves themselves, yet they had been pretty considerable carriers of them to others.p.

A hod-carrier told her that he had just seen the bird in Saint-Melaine, in Mother Simon's store.

A bheestie"and he nodded his head to emphasise the word"not a soldier at all, but a mere water-carrier, a mere camp-follower, volunteered to go down to the river.

Part 8: With the fast carrier task forces.

Numerous carriers, or sellers of water, obtain their living in the East by supplying the inhabitants with it.

There are few Londoners who in their suburban strolls have failed to notice the scores of female fruit-carriers by whose toil the markets are supplied with some of their choicest delicacies.

Secret carriers.

Pretty little Dot gave good John Perrybingle cause for anxiety by her actions, and the honest carrier, disturbed and misled, felt that he had reason to doubt her love for him, which almost broke his honest, faithful heart.

You think then?" "The winds, you seethe great, swift carriers!

But, had his doings lasted as they were, He had been an immortal carrier.

A pretty little water-carrier named Fatima, who wore a blue bead in the hole bored in her nose, and only one other garment besides, ran beside me at Denderah, calling me "beautiful princess," and kissing my hand until she made my glove sticky.

Only a week or so ago one lively mail-carrier started prematurely, smashing a gangway, and dropping a portmanteau quietly into the ocean.

In the tropics their size prevents them from doing much damage, except as malaria carriers.

A mechanical carrier led thence to the threshing machines on the second floor, whence the grain descended through a winnowing fan.

They were mostly black agates with white veins and were called Sonko apatsinakux (mutual heart-carriers).

Not that he spoke to any of them; but he pointed out the several kinds,policemen, firemen, messenger-boys, loafers, brokers, post-office carriers, a dozen more, with a degree of confidence which fairly astonished his friends.

Waiting in one of the little "meals-at-all-hours" saloons till he heard the churning of the press-engines, he sallied out and bought of the overloaded carriers the earliest copies of the morning papers, and made himself sure that the foreign news did not disclose any change of the cotton-market.

Not that he spoke to any of them; but he pointed out the several kinds,policemen, firemen, messenger-boys, loafers, brokers, post-office carriers, a dozen more, with a degree of confidence which fairly astonished his friends.

Before we come to the story of Samuel F.B. Morse and the telegraph which actually proved a commercial success as the first practical carrier of intelligence which had been created for the service of man, we should pause to consider the achievements of Charles Wheatstone.

Even horses were not often used in the passage of the Alps, but recourse was had to the surer-footed mule by the traveller, and, not unfrequently, by the more practised carrier and smuggler of those rude paths.

Professor Coello understood all these matters perfectly and, being able to speak Quichua, the language of our prospective carriers, did his best in the way of argument, not only out of loyalty to the Expedition, but because Peruvian gentlemen always regard the carrying of a load as extremely undignified and improper.

Then they prepared packs containing jerked beef, flour, and bread, each weighing between forty and seventy-five pounds, according to the temperament and strength of the respective carriers.

Worthington and Co. wharf, Great Charles-street, load fly boats daily, for Chester, Liverpool, Manchester, &c. and deliver goods to responsible and regular carriers to the north of England, and Scotland.

45 adjectives to describe  carrier