29 adjectives to describe cartilage

We may mention in passing that the lateral angles give attachment to the lateral fibro-cartilages, and that the lateral angles themselves in old horses become increased in size owing to ossification of portions of the adjacent lateral cartilages.

The explanation of this is simple, for there can be no doubt that the loss of resiliency in the diseased cartilage is only another aid to undue pressure and concussion.

These elastic cartilages enable the chest to bear great blows with impunity.

Writing here of the effects of pressure and concussion affords a fitting occasion to mention the fact that corns occurring in feet affected with side-bones are always worse than in feet with normal elastic cartilages.

The treatment of ossified cartilage will be found under treatment of side-bones, and the methods of dealing with penetrated articulation and purulent arthritis are treated of in Chapter XII.

The bulk of observers appear to agree in the statement that in quittor the necrotic cartilage is pea-green in colour, and recognise it by that characteristic.

Surely its forward cartilages are of triple strength, else in its zest it would jam its nasal passages.

1, Outermost slip from the glenoidal fibro-cartilage; 2, lateral ligament of the first interphalangeal articulation; 3, prolongations of the lateral ligament of the first interphalangeal articulation attached to the end of the navicular bone to form the postero-lateral ligament of the pedal joint; 4, end of the navicular bone; 5, antero-lateral ligament of the pedal joint.]

(Showing its internal structure) A, tendon of the semi-membranosus muscle cut across; B, F, tendon of same muscle; C, internal condyle of femur; D, posterior crucial ligament; E, internal interarticular fibro cartilage; G, bursa under knee-cap; H, ligament of knee-cap; K, fatty mass under knee-cap; L, anterior crucial ligament cut across; P, patella, or knee-cap ]

(Showing its internal structure) A, tendon of the semi-membranosus muscle cut across; B, F, tendon of same muscle; C, internal condyle of femur; D, posterior crucial ligament; E, internal interarticular fibro cartilage; G, bursa under knee-cap; H, ligament of knee-cap; K, fatty mass under knee-cap; L, anterior crucial ligament cut across; P, patella, or knee-cap ]

Some are mere cartilage for a considerable time.

The custom of extracting a front tooth prevails among them, while the nasal cartilage here as elsewhere was perforated.

It goes without saying that, in addition to the necrosed cartilage, all other diseased and necrotic tissues should also be removed.


It seems that in such cases the bone-forming process does not end with simply depositing bone in place of the removed cartilage, but that, after that is accomplished, the bone still continues to be produced, as in the case of an exostosis elsewhere.

On the upper edge of the cricoid cartilage are perched a pair of very singular cartilages, pyramidal in shape, called the arytenoid, which are of great importance in the production of the voice.

Such joints allow little or no motion and have no smooth cartilages at their edges.

Continuing its course, it passes between the bifurcating portions of the extremity of the perforatus, glides over the smooth posterior surface of the supplementary glenoid cartilage of the articulation of the first and second phalanges, plays over the inferior surface of the navicular bone, and finally becomes inserted into the semilunar crest of the os pedis.

" The female surgeon fastened a poultice upon the tattered cartilage by passing a bandage around the skipper's sandy and bristly head.

This trunk is composed of a very thick cartilage, and is pliable in every direction.

After long confinement to the bed from disease, the joints have wasted ligaments, thin cartilages, and the bones are of smaller proportions.

The joint-end of bones is coated with a thin layer of tough, elastic cartilage.

We may mention in passing that the lateral angles give attachment to the lateral fibro-cartilages, and that the lateral angles themselves in old horses become increased in size owing to ossification of portions of the adjacent lateral cartilages.

Again, there is between the cells a meshwork of yellow elastic fibers, and this is called yellow fibro-cartilage (Fig.

This peculiar change of colour in the affected cartilage is of great importance to the surgeon.

29 adjectives to describe  cartilage