201 adjectives to describe casts

a prejudice, by whose influence, to use the words of our great Poet, "The native hue of Resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of Fear, And enterprizes of great pith and moment, With this regard, their currents turn awry And lose the name of action.

He has infinite vivacity, yet is observed at times to have a melancholy cast.

His shrinking timidity of temperament, his singular modesty of manners, his quiet, sly power of humorous yet kindly observation, his minute style of criticism, even the peculiar cast of his piety, all served to stamp the lady-man.

forming &c v.; formation, figuration, efformation^; sculpture; plasmation^. V. form, shape, figure, fashion, efform^, carve, cut, chisel, hew, cast; rough hew, rough cast; sketch; block out, hammer out; trim; lick into shape, put into shape; model, knead, work up into, set, mold, sculpture; cast, stamp; build &c (construct) 161.

On examining their cavities he will find them to be simply hollow casts of innumerable joints of Crinoids, so exquisitely preserved, even to their most delicate markings, that it is plain they were never washed about upon a beach, but have grown where, or nearly where, they lie.

His genius at this time was of a decidedly gloomy cast.

All the books within my reach were folios of the gravest cast.

He had come with the resolve to stake his all upon one desperate cast.

"The little vestry, fitted perhaps for a hundred people, was packed with two hundred,all people of an intellectual cast of face,and the attention was intense.

On June 13, 1813, Morse thus writes to his parents: "I send by this opportunity (Mr. Elisha Goddard) the little cast of the Hercules which obtained the prize this year at the Adelphi, and also the gold medal, which was the premium presented to me, before a large assembly of the nobility and gentry of the country, by the Duke of Norfolk, who also paid me a handsome compliment at the same time.

What faints across the lifted loop Of cloud-veil upward cast? With sea-veiled limbs, a sleeping group Of Nereids dreaming past.

Should any evil overcome you, in the shape of a King's cruiser, or a tempest cast you on the land, there might be danger in being contaminated too closely with your crew.

He was a fine-looking man, with a powerful, though somewhat humorous cast of countenance.

The first mate had a great character for bravery, and all sailor-like accomplishments; but with all this he had a gentleness of manners, and a pale feminine cast of face, from ill health and a weakly constitution, which subjected him to some little ridicule from the officers, and caused him to be named Betsy.

The picturesque Indian costume gives an oriental cast to the moving panorama.

Before the shout was raised, or the battle begun, the auspex, wounded by a random cast of a javelin, fell before the standards; which being told to the consul, he said, "The gods are present in the battle; the guilty has met his punishment."

It was an eternity to me and I am not of a sentimental cast, but I have some sort of a conscience and during that interval it awoke.

We have here to do simply with some traits which, being hereditary, not derived from Mrs. Hislop, have a bearing upon our strange legend: the very slightest cast in the eyes, which in its piquancy belied a fine genial nature in the said Henney; and a classic nose, which, partaking of the old Roman type, and indicating pride, was equally untrue to a generosity of feeling which made friends of all who saw herexcept one.

The same Gentleman some time after packed together a Set of Oglers, as he called them, consisting of such as had an unlucky Cast in their Eyes.

In some instances a more generally religious and ideal cast is given to the figure; she stands with outspread arms, and looking up; not weeping, but in her still beautiful face a mingled expression of faith and anguish.

And, in a landscape spotted with light and shadow, the head of black hair might have passed for a bit of such pitch-black shadow as a tuft of thick foliage casts upon the light-smitten ground.

Nothing could be more earnest or true than the manner of Mr. Emery; this told excellently in his Tyke, and characters of a tragic cast.

At this moment too, our favourite authoress is engaged on two tragedies for the patent theatresone Inez de Castro, which has been poetized in half-a-dozen forms of late, and is even in the Amulet before us: the subject and title of the second tragedy is Otho: both will probably be of a melo-dramatic cast, which founded the success of Rienzi.

his eyes, if backward cast, Find a long path he had already passed; If forward, still a longer path they find: Both he compares, and measures in his mind; And sometimes casts an eye upon the east, 220 And sometimes looks on the forbidden west.

In excuse of this violation, it hath been pretended, that though indeed these miserable out-casts of humanity be torn from their homes and native country by fraud and violence, yet they thereby become the happier, and their condition the more eligible.

201 adjectives to describe  casts