6 adjectives to describe catalogs

This is your fall and winter catalog, effective until February 28th, 1949, <pb id='403.png' n='1975h2/A/2880' /> Dallasjunior edition.

(Miscellaneous catalog) NM: revisions & additions.

Noland Company, Incorporated catalog L. © 27Oct49; AA133013. Weinberg and McKee, Inc. (PWH); 26Nov76; R647219.

Dietz specialized catalog of the postage stamps of the Confederate States of America.

No. 7: A thematic catalog of easy teaching pieces for pianoforte.

A Discourse of English Poetrie (1586) by the laborious but uninspired tutor, William Webbe, is not a defense; but interspersed among his remarks advocating the reformed versifying, and his arid catalog of poets, ancient and modern, is a good deal about the moral purpose and value of poetry.

6 adjectives to describe  catalogs