11 adjectives to describe causation

But in its proper place as the root-principle of all secondary causation, Polarity is one of those fundamental facts of which we must never lose sight.

As it exists in us, primary causation is the power to initiate a train of causation directed to an individual purpose.

Buckle maintained God’s existence, but eliminated him from history; and his book dealt a resounding blow at the theory that human actions are not submitted to the law of universal causation.

SCHLAPP, MAX G. The new criminology, a consideration of the chemical causation of abnormal behavior, by Max G. Schlapp and Edward H. Smith.

Even the theory of the state is capable of demonstrative treatment; moral phenomena are as subject to the law of mechanical causation as physical phenomena.

Further, it is well to note that, although playing no part in the actual causation, certain constitutional conditions may in some measure predispose the foot to attack.

Struck by a happy thought he transferred the constable to San Francisco, and without any more interference with normal causation went soberly to bed.

It seeth identity and eternal causation.

On the one hand, we know that evolution has proceeded during an enormous time on this earth, under, so far as we can gather, a system of rigorous causation, with no economy of time or of instruments, and with no show of special ruth for those who may in pure ignorance have violated the conditions of life.

I conclude, then, that real effectual causation as an ultimate nature, as a 'category,' if you like, of reality, is just what we feel it to be, just that kind of conjunction which our own activity-series reveal.

But perhaps Green laid too much stress on the problem of historical causation.

11 adjectives to describe  causation