110 adjectives to describe centers

The investigator, after an exhaustive study covering many industrial centers, brought back the report, "Not proven.

In Southern Pennsylvania, nearer to the border between the slave and free States, the effects of the achievements of these Negroes were more apparent for the reason that in these urban centers there were sufficient Negroes for one to be helpful to the other.

This famous area lies in the exact center of the oblong land, and is home to the supreme ruler over Oz.

R112711, 26May53, Marguerite Winslow Plummer Sheahan (C) The psychic centers.

Originally, Plaza San Gabriel, from the Dominican mission for the Chinese established there; later, as it became a commercial center, Plaza Vivac; and now known as Plaza Cervantes, being the financial center of Manila.

When, therefore, the blacks, converted to the doctrine of training the hand to work with skill, began to appear in northern industrial centers there arose a formidable prejudice against them.

It was after the monks had already founded their religious establishment at Puquiura that they learned of the existence of this important religious center.

The capital of Spain and of the province of Madrid, situated on the Manzanares, and nearly in the geographical center of Spain.

In it are established many reflex, automatic, and coordinating centers, which are as independent of consciousness as are those of the spinal cord.

Copenhagen, with its court and university, was the literary and educational center, where the young men of Norway went to study, and authors born in Norway became to all intents and purposes, Danish writers.

He next spoke of the question of optical center of lenses, and said that that was not, as had been hitherto generally supposed, the true place from which to measure the focus of a lens or combination.

"The two principal Belgian centers are at Brasschaet, near Antwerp, and Etterbeck, near Brussels.

I went one morning into St. Martin's,once "in-the-fields," now at the busy center of the city,and found there only a pew-opener, preparing for the service, and an organist, practising music.

But it does seem sorter poor play that a man should be plumb center of the biggest war in history an' never see a single solitary corpse.

Light was radiated from the imperial or ecclesiastical center of the realm.

They lower the action of the heart and the tone of the nervous centers.

The flowers in his lei were white with yellow centers.

Later the stub burned through to its hollow center, and then they had a famous chimney, which soon grew hot and glowing inside, and added its mite to the children's comfort.

In other words, the stimulus must be of the right kind, and there must be just enough of it, just enough blood to stimulate the muscles, just as much study as will best stimulate the growing and very immature intellectual centers in the brain.

The center of gravity of a cask filled with homogeneous matter coincides with the geometrical center.

The core of the fireworks cannot be injured; let the different pieces be touched in their respective centers, and they will do their offices as well as ever."

It is injury to this respiratory center which proves fatal in cases of broken neck.

The plane was banking over a large crater with a grassy center and steep green sides.

From lack of lyceums and scientific, literary, or political centers, Sandoval took advantage of all the meetings to cultivate his great oratorical gifts, delivering speeches and arguing on any subject, to draw forth applause from his friends and listeners.

There is plenty going on, nevertheless, for Botzen is quite a little commercial center in its own way, but with it there is this charm of dignified repose.

110 adjectives to describe  centers