15 adjectives to describe championship

If there had been any doubts, Elder Kinney's vigorous championship of the new claimant would have put them down.

There is a fascination about the Southern life and character which charms those who do not look at it too closely into ardent championship.

So also went on the vigorous Socialist work, and the continual championship of struggling labour movements, prominent here being the organisation of the South London fur-pullers into a union, and the aiding of the movement for shortening the hours of tram and 'bus men, the meetings for which had to be held after midnight.

He has earned and won the highest respect by his power as a brilliant writer, and by his disinterested and consistent championship of the cause of honesty and justice, wherever and whenever he thinks it to be in danger.

But for his foolish championship of Macrae, this would not have happened.

All the men but Skreene were sons of the Emerald Isle,of a race whose historical boast is the faithfulness of their devotion to a friend in need and their chivalrous courtesy to woman, but still more their generous and gallant championship of woman in distress.

The conversation had already run through the question of Votes for Women, progressive politics, and prize-fights, and before the card game began it had settled on the last-named, chiefly because of my own vainglorious description of adventures at Reno, Nevada, at the time of the Jeffries-Johnson battle for the heavyweight championship of the world.

The Senate quite approved, if they did not openly sanction, this irregular championship of their order.

As for his failure, the more she understood it, the more it evoked in her an angry advocacy, a passionate championship, a protesting faithwhich she had much ado to hide.

So also went on the vigorous Socialist work, and the continual championship of struggling labour movements, prominent here being the organisation of the South London fur-pullers into a union, and the aiding of the movement for shortening the hours of tram and 'bus men, the meetings for which had to be held after midnight.

The climax of achievement was reached when T.F. Kiely won the all-round championship of the world at New York.

The Crimean War and the short-sighted championship of Turkey by the western European powers checked considerably the development at which Russia aimed.

The unqualified championship of it by Wilhelm von Humboldt is referred to in the book; but he by no means stood alone in his own country.

There was need of his virile championship, and none will say that there was ever in him undue thought of self or indifference to the best humanity.

The female villain of the piece and her craven henchman were foiled by the sturdy but wily trustee and the doughty Carolina colonel who, in headlong, aristocratic championship of those threatened with oppression against the moral sense of the community, charged upon the scene and counseled slaughter if necessary in defense of negroes who were none of his.

15 adjectives to describe  championship