28 adjectives to describe chauffeur

Of course the wee Mumbles was in Patsy's lap, and he seemed to have overcome his first aversion of Wampus and accepted the little chauffeur into the circle of his favored acquaintances.

With them were a Belgian photographer, scared now into a quivering heap from which two wall-eyes peered out wildly, and a negro chauffeur, a soot-black Congo boy who had been brought away from Africa on a training ship as a child.

They had arranged for the hire of a large touring car, with a competent chauffeur, and were to take Dora and the Laning girls out for a ride to another town called Toddville.

One hundred and eighty nurses, experts with the X-ray, were in the front line dressing stations in the early days of the war, and before a week of conflict had passed women were in the Field Post, and Frau Reimer, organizer of official chauffeurs, was on the western line of attack.

"They tell me," said Mr. Merrick, "that you are an experienced chauffeur.

is an expert chauffeur and mechanic with fine references.

Our fat Belgian chauffeur, violinist in times of peace, and posing that day as an American,one of those men who look as if they would bleed water if you pricked them with a bayonet,needed no second warning.

He was the fugitive chauffeur of the Château de Montalais.

The gray-haired chauffeur, cap in hand, stood back as a procession of boys and girls advanced upon Bob and Betty and their escort.

Was she, they wondered, really concerned in the handsome young chauffeur's welfare, or had she merely put the question to gain time in framing what she was going to say?

Apparently there was no reason why I should not go on with my new trade until all the hungry chauffeurs in the army were satisfied.

Fire-breathing, she descended from her car and, approaching the limousine, told the imperturbable chauffeur that even if he did work for Mrs. Rutherford Wells, Mrs. Rutherford Wells was no better than anybody else, and that gave him no right to block up the whole street.

"This is a motor car," observed the 'bus-conductor, glancing at her inaccessible chauffeur.

They left the lean little chauffeur perched upon the driver's seat, smoking one of his "stogie" cigars and with Mumbles sitting gravely beside him.

Even in his neat chauffeur's uniform he seemed every inch a gentleman.

He doesn't seem likely to go on very soon, along any line, does he?" "Shouldn't wonder if that car's ball-bearings ain't broken," said the sharp-nosed chauffeur.

There was nothing in his manner toward her now of the obsequious chauffeur.

She would institute special classes for prospective chauffeurs and commercial travellers.

"Are we going?" says a little man to the refreshed but purple-faced chauffeur.

"Can you furnish me a machine and a reliable chauffeur?" "Roaring Springs?" he repeated.

The girl's offer was accepted, and half an hour later the smaller of the two Glencardine carsthe "sixteen" Fiatwas brought round to the door by Stokes, the smart chauffeur.

A watch of the road had revealed no sign of the stealthy chauffeur, but that argued nothing.

Sharon himself was never to become an accomplished chauffeur.

He took her to the car that was waiting, a worried chauffeur in charge.

When their machine was halted by the Germans a short distance south and west of Waterloo, Stevens, for some reason which he could never understand, was separated from his two companions and the South-African negro chauffeur.

28 adjectives to describe  chauffeur