72 adjectives to describe chills

She took to hugging herself violently against a sudden chill that rushed over her, rattling her frame.

So, with little creepy chills chasing themselves up and down their spines, the girls obeyed, keeping close together and looking fearfully into the dark shadows.

Wait!'he put up his hand with a gesture frequent with him, like a policeman stopping the traffic at Hyde Park Corner. 'Wait!leave out the influenza altogether, and just say I've caught a slight chill.' 'Yes.

isthe wind is bitter chill

She began to shiver; a nervous chill.

Yet there were times when she would almost have welcomed an outburst, a storm, anything rather than that deadly chill, enduring day after day.

" A damp chill gathered on the brow of Bushwyck Carr.

And I stript off my cloak very quick, and put it about her, for she was scarce covered with her clothes that had been all torn among the bushes; so that part she shook with an utter chill, and part because of weakness, for she was nigh to be starved unto her death, and destroyed with her grief and lonesomeness.

Shuddering, as much with horror as with a sharp chill that just then passed through his own stout frame, our young master turned anxiously to note the success of Stimson, in getting the wood of the camboose in a blaze.

We were caught in a storm on a long country excursion, my stepmother got a severe chill and within a week was dead.

Somewhere in the room was another switch connected with the iron lamp, and Aldous felt a curious chill shoot up his spine.

It whipped him with a strange fierceness, and half a dozen times he felt the mysterious and very unpleasant chill of snow under his feet.

At Torgau, Saxony, in the heart of Germany, be plunged into the Elbe in the darkness of night, stemmed the swift waters, and on landing, half-drowned, rose speedily and walked fast to avoid a fatal chill.

Three or four of Miss Ada's children died with congestive chills.

It grew suddenly cold with an almost frosty chill.

The weather was cold and the sick lady had the dreadful chills that accompany the hectic fever of consumption.

There was a door at each end, but the night was still and dark and there was little air beyond the vague chill of a creeping sea-mist.

" CHAPTER XXVI DEPPINGHAM FALLS ILL That evening Lord Deppingham took to his bed with violent chills.

Ending my call, I felt vividly what I have elsewhere seen described as "the cosmic chill".

3 The better use of notes, or sweet or shrill, By quivering string or modulated wind, Trumpet or lyreto their harsh bosoms chill, Admission ne'er had sought, or could not find. 4 Oh! send them to the sullen mansions dun, Her baleful eyes where Sorrow rolls around; Where gloom-enamour'd Mischief loves to dwell, And Murder, all blood-bolter'd, schemes the wound.

But all the while, Angus had been by, perplexed shadows creeping over his brow;and in fresh terror lest my hidden woe should rise and look him in the face, all my mother's pride itself shivered through me, and I turned my shoulder on him with a haughty, pettish chill.

I'm beginning to sleep better, and for all of this still, dark cavern in my heart, so filled with voices of the past and with the horrible chill of the present, I am able to laugh a little at passing things.

Iroldo felt icy chill to see her, albeit she seemed to sleep sweetly.

And yetthat very night Sahwah had seen Veronica leaving the house after midnight when the rest were all asleep, and going down the hill behind the barn, and at the sight Sahwah had experienced that same indescribable chill of fear that she had felt in the train; a peculiar sense of hovering danger; a sensation which she could never clearly define while it lasted nor describe afterwards.

The exertion of dragging the seven dead rats to the funeral pyre by the nettle grove left him bathed in perspiration, and Cossar pointed out the obvious physical reaction of whisky to save him from the otherwise inevitable chill.

72 adjectives to describe  chills