28 adjectives to describe chirping

Dick imitated him in a few little chirps, "A leg and a stump!" "Why, he is saying it too," exclaimed Carl, and burst out laughing.

Of such a morning I have seen a small flock of them collected on the sunny side of a thick hemlock, rather silent and quiet, with ruffled plumage, like balls of gray fur, waiting, with an occasional chirp, for the sun's rays to begin to warm them up, and meanwhile not depressed, but only a little sobered in their deportment, and ready, if the cold continued, to get used to that too.

It eyes were half shut, one leg hung loose, and it was making faint chirps of distress.

Was it to you, Mr. Walter Landor, whom Southey (in his strange affection for the name of Wat) had honoured with so much kindnessto you whose "matin chirpings" he had so generously encouraged, (as he did John Jones's "mellower song,")was it to you that Wordsworth delivered so injurious a judgment on the works of your patron?

A robin with feathers all ruffled, and head hidden, sat on the gate-post, and chirped a little mournful chirp, like a creature dying in a vacuum.

And as I raised his bridle quickly, with a pat on his neck and an encouraging chirp, he bounded over the stream as lightly as a deer, and landed me safe on terra firma.

He is musing earnestly; And the flutterings of the bird And its pleading, feeble chirp Fall upon his ear unheard.

The serene silence was seldom broken save by the cry of an eagle or an osprey, high overhead, the chirping of the chickadee flitting about the camp to find a crumb, or the complaining note of the Canada jay, most friendly of all wild birds, seeking for the scraps of venison we used to throw out for him.

It is, no doubt, dull, but with the soberminded a large and spacious dulness like that of Hansard's Debates is better than the incongruous chirpings of the new 'humourists.'

Sometimes a man, who is riding along on the prairie, will hear a peculiar faint chirp, such as a little bird might utter.

Here crawled the lizard and the rattlesnake; and there was no music to the desolation save the petulant chirp of the cricket.

" Cobweb thin, the accompaniment took up the plaintive chirping till the Maestro sang the second verse.

Only the shrill chirp of the cicada and the muffled croaking of the frogs in some distant marsh broke the night silence.

She was contemplating the swampy plains of acanthus and ferns trembling under the shrill chirping of the cicadas, and this spectacle of green desolation made her recall the roses of Paestum of which the poets of ancient Rome had sung.

There came the sleepy chirp of a bird and the rustling of tired wings settling for the night.

Even the birds in their nests, awakened by the firelight, join their sleepy chirpings to the chorus.

Outside in the quiet night a solitary gas-alarm chirps a few quiet notes to the stars and is still.

So still, so sad this solitude that the sudden chirping of a robin in the evening shadows startled us.

His voice, shrill and piping, ever and again dropped plummet-like into a hoarse and rattling bass, and, just as one became accustomed to it, soaring upward into the thin treblealternate cricket chirpings and bullfrog croakings, as it were.

all the birds are singing Low, as thou passest, where in leaves they lie; With timid chirp unto their soft mates clinging, They greet that presence without which they die, Die, even with Nature's universal heart, When thou, her queen, dost in thy pride depart, Adelaïda!

His voice, shrill and piping, ever and again dropped plummet-like into a hoarse and rattling bass, and, just as one became accustomed to it, soaring upward into the thin treblealternate cricket chirpings and bullfrog croakings, as it were.

Modest and shy as a nun is she; One weak chirp is her only note; Braggart, and prince of braggarts is he, Pouring boasts from his little throat, Bob-o'-link, bob-o'-link, Spink, spank, spink, Never was I afraid of man, Catch me, cowardly knaves, if you can.

A canary chirps in one corner, perhaps; and very likely there will be a cat curled up somewhere, or a forlorn dog which has followed the children into this safe shelter.

"Portly nurse, black-browed, red-vested, Knits and dozes, drowsed with heat; Bice, like a wren gold-crested, Chirps and teases round her seat, Hides the needles, plucks the stocking, rolls the cotton o'er her feet.

Honest John Peerybingle, Carrier; his pretty little wife, whom he called Dot; the very remarkable doll of a baby; the dog Boxer; and the Cricket on the Hearth, whose cheerful chirp, chirp, chirp, was a continual family blessing and good-omen;were collectively and severally the objects of Tilly's unbounded admiration.

28 adjectives to describe  chirping