4 adjectives to describe cholera

Asiatic cholera was sweeping through the archipelago, and consternation and disorder followed in its wake.

"Bottled cholera, so to speak.

My health continued very good for some length of time; but when I reached the middle part of the Texas country, it was my misfortune to come again in contact with the direful "cholera," and again I was the subject of its virulent attacks.

[Lat.], appendicitis; Asiatic cholera^, spasmodic cholera; biliary calculus, kidney stone, black death, bubonic plague, pneumonic plague; blennorrhagia^, blennorrhoea^; blood poisoning, bloodstroke^, bloody flux, brash; breakbone fever^, dengue fever, malarial fever, Q-fever; heart attack, cardiac arrest, cardiomyopathy

4 adjectives to describe  cholera