11 adjectives to describe clappings

They talked frequently in his behalf, and at the horse-races honored by a loud clapping of hands the statue of Neptune carried in the procession, evincing great pleasure at it.

The shape was exact and he looked so grave as he peered forth from his shelter that his appearance was saluted with hearty hand clapping.

This was a lengthy process, but each child had a claque, which communicated enthusiasm to the others of the audience, and there was continuous clapping.

With which statement, as the flushed and nervous singer, who responds to friendly clappings, comes forward, bows, sings, and retires, so do I, and the curtain falls on the Jimmies and Bee and me, all kissing our hands to the gallery.

" A little clapping of little hands marked the righteousness of the award.

The youngsters would congregate within the ring and dance to the rhythmic hand clapping and rhythm of the tambourine, which was performed by the white people in the community.

Mrs. Slapman was applauded by a unanimous clapping of hands.

An acclamation, merry laughter, affectionate clapping of hands greeted them.

Here there was a burst of laughter and a violent clapping of hands at the little fellow's Irish account.

" At this the gaily colored company who bordered the platform, burst into ecstatic hand clapping, in which the older members joined rather shamefacedly.

" A faint clapping was heard from the direction of the house, and turning, Ken saw his sister dropping him a curtsey at the door.

11 adjectives to describe  clappings