581 adjectives to describe classes

Women, adaptability of American; cramped lives of middle-class French; more uncompromising than men in political views; ambitions of, for husbands and sons.

But the most remarkable thing of all, was the whim of the ladies in the upper classes, of making themselves as much like birds as possible; in which art, it must be confessed, they were wonderfully successful.

Thus the moraine soil and the necessary moisture requisite for the better class of meadow plants are at times combined about as perfectly as if smoothly outspread on a level surface.

The Mecaschephim, or magicians, properly so called, who were conversant with the occult powers of nature, and the supernatural world; and the chasdim, or astrologers, who constituted by far the most numerous and respectable class.

Hence, in the Motu Proprio Abhinc duos annos, the octaves of the calendar are divided into three great classes, privileged, common and simple.

Her third ethical publication, Strictures on Female Education, came out, forming yet another counterblast to the corrupt systems in vogue amongst the wealthy classes.

You will speedily discover that your vocabulary embraces several distinct classes of words.

Our readers will also remember how two evil-minded members of the then fourth class plotted to increase Damn's disgrace and to drive him out of the brigade; also how these two plotters, Midshipmen Henkel and Brimmer, were caught in their plotting and were themselves forced out of the brigade.

Edith belonged to the superior class of human being whom jealousy chills and cures, and does not stimulate to further efforts.

Even before this event, all the respectable classes in the community had rallied round the Governor, and he felt himself in a position to defy further outbreaks.

So generous were the newspaper references to the acumen of these two terrors of the criminal classes that it was to be assumed that anything which inadvertently escaped one of them would be pounced upon by the other.

The lawyers were not of much account; the petty commercial classes of less account still.

" "They whose knowledge comes by birth are of all men the first in understanding; they to whom it comes by study are next; men of poor intellectual capacity, who yet study, may be added as a yet inferior class; and lowest of all are they who are poor in intellect and never learn.

Oddly enough she has not herself asked for this protection, but it has been urged very largely by women not of the industrial class.

They are the buyers in the working class and in the professional class.

So soon as the names could be written the whole senior class (forty-three) were enrolled.

Terms for agricultural classes seldom remain flattering.

They are almost a separate class in Franceare very earnest, religious, honourable, narrow-minded people.

But there is another question in Africa upon which our "ignorant" Labour class is far better informed than our dear old eighteenth-century upper class which still squats so firmly in our Foreign and Colonial Offices, and that is the question of forced labour.

Not long ago the government proposed a wonderful scheme for the education of the 'depressed classes.'

In that day, however, let us hope thatthe more communal conception of public life having prevailed and come to its ownthe success of Trade, among any nation or people, will no longer mean the successful manufacture of a dominant and vulgar class, but the real prosperity and welfare of the whole nation, including all classes.

It lay in his grasp steady as a log, and I saw that Percy Darrow's fate was in the hands of that dangerous class of natural marksman that possesses no nerves.

They are extensively read and appreciated, even by the less educated and learned classes.

The men in any year so passed into the army form an annual class, and the standing army at any time is made up, in the infantry, of two annual classes, and in the cavalry and horse artillery of three annual classes.

And the woman of the aristocratic class has merely slipped out of her seclusion as if putting aside an old-fashioned garment, and now carries on her philanthropies in more serious and coördinated manner.

581 adjectives to describe  classes