5 adjectives to describe cockerel

The golden cockerel.

"In conclusion," said this little French cockerel, "the only tiresome thing in war is what you do in peace-time,you walk along the high road.

He was a pure bred, massive Black Orpington cockerel, a scion of the finest strain in the land.

I foresee the amazement of the faithful readers of The Chicken Run, on being informed, in the column headed "Hints to Beginners," that Mr. LLOYD GEORGE'S pet Leghorn cockerel has developed a surprising taste for latchkeys, and recently swallowed two of them, while Mr. ASQUITH'S Buff Orpington pullet has taken to following him about like a dog and roosting on his bed-rail.

He was a pure bred, massive Black Orpington cockerel, a scion of the finest strain in the land.

5 adjectives to describe  cockerel