285 adjectives to describe commenting

Millville accepted the new arrangement with little adverse comment, the villagers being quite satisfied with a weekly paper, which would cost them far less than the daily had done.

"Lots of lunch, I should say," had been Ford's mental comment; but he had not thought it wise to ask questions.

She listens, and puts in from time to time some critical comment that often extraordinarily clears up any subject one is talking round.

Millville accepted the new arrangement with little adverse comment, the villagers being quite satisfied with a weekly paper, which would cost them far less than the daily had done.

We now revert to the poet's early, or, rather, to his middle-age, creative years, and to a resume of his principal writings, with a brief, running comment on his message and art.

The Delafield Dispatch got hold of a copy of the "Everyday Doctrines" and printed the whole of it with a not unfavorable editorial comment, under the caption "When Will All This Come True?"

" A gold chain and watch-key, two gold brooches, and a pair of earrings were sent to Mr. Müller, with the following comment: "My wife and I having, through the exceeding riches of God's grace, been brought to the Lord Jesus, wish to lay aside the perishing gold of the world for the unsearchable riches of Christ, and send the enclosed for the support of the orphans".

The shells all plunked into the marsh about four hundred yards short, affording much amusement and causing many caustic Cockney comments.

Road to piano artistry; a collection of classic and romantic compositions with interpretative and technical comment, compiled & graded in nine volumes.


" Here is another shrewd comment upon the compliments paid to Halifax, of whom Pope says in the character of Bufo, Fed with soft dedications all day long, Horace

Indeed, on no subject is there more disagreement; there is no subject which provokes more bitter and hostile comments; there is no subject on which both men and women wrangle with more acerbity, even when they are virtually agreed,for the instincts of good women are really in accord with the profoundest experience and reason of men.

He also gave a series of lectures at Cambridge, England, on Italian history that attracted much favorable comment.

This alone is a sufficiently severe comment on the conceptions of right and justice which direct the proceedings of Germany's highest legislative body.

In fact, Parliament has claimed a right to interfere in matters apparently touching more nearly the royal prerogative, and it is only in the reign preceding the present reign that hostile comments have been made in Parliament on the appointment of a particular person as ambassador to a foreign power.

This will serve for general remark upon the mystical mode, as well as for comment explanatory of the close of the poem.

I used to hear some amusing comments in the Battery on our Alpine situation.

This sarcastic comment was Bubble's most emphatic negative.

The two husbands sat on one bench and their wives on the other, both pairs very quiet, waiting respectfully for the day to die, and exchanging only occasional comments on matters of light moment as they passed through the memory.

Often they passed audible comments upon it among themselves.

The Emperor said that the English Government had made a great mistake in sending the Duke of Wellington to Paris"On n'aime pas voir un homme par qui on a été battu;" and on War he made this characteristic comment: "Eh bien, c'est un grand jeubelle occupation.

Now they would start about him with excited comments to see the eldest fix a bunch of violets in his button-hole.

The following extract from a letter to a young relative, dated Sept. 23d, furnishes at once a key to several marked traits of her character and a practical comment upon her own hymn, "More love to Thee, O Christ!"

In a later age, the Centuries of the "Sylva Sylvarum" afford a curious comment on the Aphorisms of the "Novum Organum.

Early in the afternoon Eve de Montalais made it possible for Lanyard to examine the safe in her boudoir without exciting comment in the household.

285 adjectives to describe  commenting