6 adjectives to describe compost

The stage, that "mirror of the times," is often the first manifestation of the unquiet heaving and subsequent up-bubbling in the fluid compost of the mass that constitutes a nation.

Cuttings may be taken in autumn, placed in small pots in a light compost of peat and sand, and given a little bottom-heat.

At the College we met Dr Ismail who took us through the college campus down to the fields where the vermi-pits were and we saw the biogas plant, the garbage collection pits, the culture crates and the organic compost now ready for use.

They may be propagated by seeds, grafting, or by cuttings of firm young shoots planted in a sandy compost, kept shaded, and covered with a hand-glass.

The way in which that sticky compost of boiled maize went down was absolutely amazing.

In a recipe for a rich compost suitable for small garden plants, we are advised (I, 2, I, p. 95), without a quiver, to mix in bloodthat of the camel or the sheep if necessarybut human blood is to be preferred!]

6 adjectives to describe  compost