78 adjectives to describe concepts

To begin with the formal side of Spinozism: the rationalism of Descartes is heightened by Spinoza into the imposing confidence that absolutely everything is cognizable by the reason, that the intellect is able by its pure concepts and intuitions entirely to exhaust the multiform world of reality, to follow it with its light into its last refuge.

Instead of operating with abstract concepts the reason uses common notions, notiones communes.

The discussion of these three fundamental concepts exhausts all the chief points in Spinoza's doctrine of God.

Religious concepts, inventory H-C1. SEE MCLEAN, MILTON D. Satisfactions found in reading fiction, inventory H-B2.

Thus abstract general ideas and generic concepts arise, to which nothing real corresponds, for in reality particulars alone exist.

The normal, as the perfect or nearly perfect balance of forces in the organism, at any given moment, emerges as a more definite and real concept than that which would abstract it from a curve of variations.

Rationalism regards even those concepts which have a content as innate, whereas it is only formal concepts which are so.

The positive thing in itself is a problematical concept; its possibility depends on the existence of an intuitive understanding, something about which we are ignorant.

As the Catholic dogma added the immaculate conception of the mother to that of the Son, so Leibnitz transfers the (virginal) origin of rational concepts, independent of external influence, to sensations.

Besides the twisting of ethical concepts just mentioned, we may briefly note the most striking of the other difficulties and contradictions which Spinoza left unexplained.

This fine taste was the 'cultismo', the taste for false concepts, which Addison condemns.

Shaftesbury's fundamental metaphysical concept is aesthetic: unity in variety is for him the all-pervasive law of the world.

The absolute (the concept) develops from in-itself (Ansich) through out-of-self (Aussersich) or other-being to for-itself (Fürsich); it exists first as reason (system of logical concepts), then as nature, finally as living spirit.

A solution can be found only by abandoning the ambiguous legal concept of property, and making use of economic concepts.

The former explicates the concept of the subject by bringing into notice an idea already contained in it and belonging to the definition as a part thereof; it is based on the law of contradiction: an unextended body is a self-contradictory concept.

If space were a mere concept, no proposition could be derived from it which should go beyond the concept and extend our knowledge of its properties.

She took for her guiding-startheoreticallythe twin concepts of morality and duty as she had been taught to construe them.

Pure mathematics is possible, because there are pure or a priori intuitions (space and time), and pure natural science or the metaphysics of phenomena, because there are a priori concepts (categories) and principles of the pure understanding.

Elementary concepts of mathematics.

Each separate concept is one-sided, defective, represents only a part of the truth, needs to be supplemented by its contrary, and, by its union with this, its complement, yields a higher concept, which comes nearer to the whole truth, but still does not quite reach it.

A concrete concept would be one which sought the universal not without the particular, but in it; which should not find the infinite beyond the finite, nor the absolute at an unattainable distance above the world, nor the essence hidden behind the phenomenon, but manifesting itself therein.

That which the thesis rightly seeks to exclude from the judgment of beauty is the determinate concept of the understanding; that which the antithesis with equal justice pronounces indispensable is the indeterminate concept, the aesthetic Idea.

With this discipline, in which Herbart essentially follows Kant, are associated two other forms of the elaboration of concepts, that of physical and that of aesthetic concepts.

These connective concepts, these formal instruments of synthesis are a priori.

Liberty against government: the rise, flowering and decline of a famous juridical concept.

78 adjectives to describe  concepts