228 adjectives to describe contesting

The sight of the captain toiling manfully through the long, unequal contest of the previous afternoon, doing practically double work to make up for the loss of his fellow-back, and to prevent a losing game degenerating into a rout, rose up once more before the small boy's mind, and, as has been said before, his wrath boiled over.

To such lengths did they proceed, that a particularly audacious youth actually attempted to carry her off one evening, and would have succeeded but for the interposition of another, who flew at him with a drawn sword, and after a fierce contest smote him bleeding to the ground.

Emperor Henry V enters Rome; bloody contests between his soldiers and the people.

We had an athletic contest last year and they beat us, carrying everything but the standing broad jump.

The Emperor Constantine, who felt the importance of the approaching contest, showed great prudence and moderation in his difficult position.

It so happened that Rustem was at this time in progress between Irán and Sístán, hunting for his own pleasure the elk or wild ass, and he accidentally fell in with the refugees, who made an attempt to avoid him, but, unable to effect their purpose, thought proper to oppose him with all their might, and a sharp contest ensued.

Antony, perceiving a desperate contest before him, ending in his supremacy or ruin, put forth all his energies, assisted by the contributions of Cleopatra, who furnished two hundred ships and twenty thousand talents,about twenty million dollars.

Christian and Moor might now be seen mingling courteously on the banks of the Xenel and the Darro, where to have met a few days previous would have produced a scene of sanguinary contest.

We talked of a violent contest which was then carrying on, with a view to the next general election for Ayrshire; where one of the candidates, in order to undermine the old and established interest, had artfully held himself out as a champion for the independency of the county against aristocratick influence, and had persuaded several gentlemen into a resolution to oppose every candidate who was supported by peers.

The Struggle for the Delaware; the Swedes on the Delaware.%And now began a bitter contest for the ownership of the country bordering the Delaware.

This gallant veteran had taken an active part in the civil contests between the two orders, and was now suspected, by the decemvirs commanding the Sabine army, of plotting against them.

The two parties which in the triangular presidential contest polled the largest numbers of votes were both "progressive.

The equestrian contests he would often watch in person from the house of some freedman.

Of what use can they possibly be to the fighting men on board of them, when these men can employ neither frontal assault nor flank attack, manoeuvres which you know are essential in naval contests?

By alliances, sir, the equipoise of power is maintained, and those alarms and apprehensions avoided, which must arise from daily vicissitudes of empire, and the fluctuations of perpetual contest.

Now to the horse-races which are held without gymnastic contests, I think that no other city but ours should be allowed to hold them, so that vast sums of money may not be dissipated recklessly nor men go miserably frantic,and most of all that the soldiers may have a plentiful supply of the best horses.

There had been a friendly contest, for the precedency, between the two last, each desiring to yield it to the other on the score of merit; but the captain prevailed, by declaring "that he was navigating an unknown sea, and that he could do nothing wiser than to sail in the wake of so good a pilot as Mr. John Effingham.

I need not trace all the steps of that memorable contest, or describe the details, from the time when the Pope sent out his edicts and excommunicated all who dared to disobey him,including some of the most eminent German prelates and German princes.

Sikander then encountered Faúr, and after a severe contest, slew him, and became ruler of the kingdom of Kanúj.

" In London Nash became acquainted with Robert Greene, and their friendship drew him into a long literary contest with Gabriel Harvey, to which Nash owes much of his reputation.

Thus ended one of the most glorious contests, after a continuance for twenty years, of any ever carried on in any age or country.

As noted above, during this exciting parliamentary contest the great figure of Henry Brougham had disappeared from the House of Commons; but more than any other man, he had prepared the way for those reforms which the nation had so clamorously demanded, and which in part they had now achieved.

They breathed a fervent and heart-felt prayer for help from above, and then commenced the fearful contest.

He also instituted a quinquennial musical and gymnastic contest involving horseracing,a "sacred" festival, as they call all which include distribution of food,and entitled it Actia.

Nearly all the nobles were killed during this prolonged contest; hence when Henry VII.

228 adjectives to describe  contesting