13 adjectives to describe contraptions

Bandy-legs at least rejoiced because with all those clever contraptions set, and waiting to give the intended thief a warm reception, it did seem as though there would be hardly any necessity for them to waste their precious time in sitting up and keeping watch, when they would be so much better off enjoying "balmy sleep," as he called it; and all sleep was along that order, according to the mind of Bandy-legs.

They had been thoughtful enough to fetch one along, a clever little contraption that took only a small amount of room, and yet afforded considerable light.

Charles Addams (A); 17Aug66; R392114. Inventor with queer contraption in patent attorney's office.

Then each yelled something at the machinebits of slang or slursand it made them roar to hear that funny little contraption 'sass back!' "Edison has always had a saving sense of humor.

"The next thing," said Bruce, "is to hunt out that infernal contraption which threatens our lives.

He said, among other flattering things, that I was no common mundane contraption, though such I might seem to the untutored eye.

Well, he certainly did when he turns over this here neat contraption at a price that was dirt cheap, and which I'd be ashamed to mention to yuh.

" "All right," said Marian, "I rescued you once, now this time I'll leave you to your fate; but I'll give you fair warning that those Tea Club girls would rather have a few nice little things like we had at lunch, than all those ridiculous contraptions that you've got out there half baked.

"Say, this is quite a right smart contraption, ain't she?" "We think she is a pretty good little boat," modestly replied Rob, taking his place at the wheel.

"Go slow; no use rocking the boat," sang out the pilot, who was forever cautioning his companion with regard to quick motions when seated in such a delicately balanced contraption as a biplane.

The more craft and cunning men have, the more useless and pernicious contraptions will they invent.

When I got to the front I found a first-class car retained by every little officer who commanded a dozen Cossacks, but I proudly raised the Union Jack, to denote the British Headquarters, on the dirtiest and most dilapidated second-class contraption that could be found on the line.

We ain't got no chance to live a pure and Godly life any longer, with railroads coming in, and Gentiles with their fancy contraptions.

13 adjectives to describe  contraptions