5 adjectives to describe courtliness

He raised his hat with extreme courtliness.

Before these vocal exercises wearied, the skipper hauled down his jib, let go his anchor, and brought the craft to just off the rocks; and bringing the yawl alongside, unceremoniously plucked the girls down into it, without giving their cavaliers a chance for the least display of agile courtliness.

Fillmore, however, strangely adaptive, had taken on a marked grace of manner, his fine stature and mien carrying a dignified courtliness which is said to have won him a handsome compliment from Queen Victoriaa gentleman rotund, well-groomed, conspicuously elegant.

He moving up with pliant courtliness, Greeted Geraint full face, but stealthily, In the mid-warmth of welcome and graspt hand, Found Enid with the corner of his eye, And knew her sitting sad and solitary.

He had caught the Major's little idiosyncrasies of speech, accent, and intonation and his pompous courtliness to perfectionexaggerating all to the purpose of the stage.

5 adjectives to describe  courtliness