46 adjectives to describe cowboys

In a lean-to the cowboys were going to bed.

The writer, to whom we are referring, includes in class three the typical cowboy, and the man used by the fiction writer as a basis for his exaggerations and romances.

SNOW, CHARLES H. One crazy cowboy, by Charles Ballew, pseud.

Useless cowboy.

Since the Ramblin' Kid, followed by the wicked sing of the bullets from the marshal's gun, disappeared in the darkness no word has come from the fugitive cowboy, who beat to a pulp the burly Greek.

But she was already in full pursuit of the tall cowboy.

Longhorn cowboy.

I'm a lonesome cowboy.

Manilla Endora, the yellow-haired waitress, asked softly, as she stepped up to the table and looked down a moment at the dejected cowboy.

They rustled on the brush and impeded his movements, and particularly tired him, and made him look like a diminutive cowboy.

At this move the three boys turned and ran back toward the train, while the excited passengers hooted and yelled at the discomfited cowboys.

he asked, turning toward the slender, dark-eyed, young cowboy.

Butshe checked her spinning of romancethis youth was too genuine a cowboy, the way he rode, the way he moved, held himself, his phrases, his turn of speech!

He tried to reason it out in his old-fashioned way even as the trembling horde filed past, cordoned by grim, silent cowboys.

She had known, for a long while, that sooner or later there would have to come an understanding between this big, overgrown, juvenile-hearted cowboy and herself.

Maj. Sitgraves was a brave man, who had only to hear the story brought to him by the honest cowboy to understand the urgency of the case.

Ophelia, Carolyn June and Parker were in the front room when Old Heck and the hungry cowboys clattered, long after dark, into the kitchen for the supper Sing Pete had kept warm for them.

Lee had engaged the only man he could find for a cookJoe Isbel, a tall, lithe cowboy, straight as an Indian, with powerful shoulders, round limbs, and slender waist, and Isbel was what the westerners called a broncho-buster.

Then you air in love with him?" Lenore was compelled to explain to this loyal cowboy just what the situation meant.

Three mounted cowboys saw the race won, and yelled a wild yell of triumph, but their duty was to the cattle.

I wuz a small boy, dey called me nigger cowboy, cause I drive de cows up at night, and took em to de paster in the mornings.

I have known a party of Sioux to steal the horses of a buffalo-hunting outfit, whereupon the latter retaliated by stealing the horses of a party of harmless Grosventres; and I knew a party of Cheyennes, whose horses had been taken by white thieves, to, in revenge, assail a camp of perfectly orderly cowboys.

She had known, for a long while, that sooner or later there would have to come an understanding between this big, overgrown, juvenile-hearted cowboy and herself.

Poole dropped his gun back in its scabbard and walked at the side of the now apparently peaceful young cowboy.

The peculiar cowboy's squinta frowning of the brow and a compression of the thin lipsrelaxed.

46 adjectives to describe  cowboys