11 adjectives to describe coyotes

How low down is the mangy coyote.

"We're better off without the white-livered coyote," he said at last.

Of no account you who lie out there watching, nor the lean coyote that stands off in the scrub from you and howls and howls.

Now, you stare-coated, mangey, bandy-legged, misbegotten, out-law coyote, fly!fly!'

A lonesome coyote barked, and that thrilled me.

It brought Miss Mattie to her feet in an unknown terror; it brought Red from the barn in a full cognizancehe had heard that sound before, when a mad coyote landed in a cabin-full of fairly strong nerved cowmen, and set them screeching like hysterical women before a chance shot ended him.

"Sometime, if one man be out on mesa alone, an' plenty coyote come, he have hard fight for life.

"I want Howland to see this south coyote go up," said MacDonald.

The feet of the wolves were like falling feathers on the grass; and if sometimes, through the cavern maw, he half-wakened to catch the gleam of their wild eyes, he attributed it merely to the presence of skulking coyotes, curious concerning the dying coals of the fire.

Now and again some unseen coyote signals his pack in a long-drawn, dolorous whine that comes from no determinate point, but nothing stirs much before mid-afternoon.

But the sharp-eyed coyote saw my horse and shied off.

11 adjectives to describe  coyotes