18 adjectives to describe crackers

Nielsen and I visited them, taking an armload of canned fruit, and boxes of sweet crackers, which they received with evident joy.

"Lemme let off just one little cracker," he said.

The whizz bangs were popping over us like giant fire-crackers, going off one and two and three at a time.

You have killed the tariff twice, and nearly every mill wheel stopped, and you and I had to beg from door to door or live on dry crackers and shin-bones.

Many of the southern crackers or poor whites spring from this class, which also in the backwoods gave birth to generations of violent and hardened criminals, and to an even greater number of shiftless, lazy, cowardly cumberers of the earth's surface.

Pile on Small round crackers and bake at 375 degrees F. for 10 minutes or until delicately brown.

There were Little Neck clams, delicious cold consommé, and white fish, and French chops with a dressing of truffles, and Roman punch and woodcock to follow, and crisp lettuce and toasted crackers-and-cheese, with a most remarkable combination of fruits and ices; and Van Bibber could eat nothing, and sat unhappily looking at his plate and shaking his head when the waiter urged him gently.

She explored Lena's cupboard for supplies, and found, after some searching, a can of soup and the inevitable crackers.

We are both provided with this instrument of torturea thick plaited thong about five feet long, attached to a short thick wooden handle, and terminating in a flat leathern cracker of eight or ten inches.

Do it a little longer and I'll put you in the way of touching off a set-piece of pyrotechnics that will double discount this mild little snap-cracker of the Belmount business.

Roll each piece of chicken in sifted cracker or bread crumbs (which you have previously seasoned with salt).

Cocoanut produced a match and lit it and carefully ignited the thin, papery end of the ultimate little cracker on the string, and it smoked away and nickered and sputtered toward its object.

Grotesque looking angels were these, swinging from limb to limb of the forest trees; but heavenly in their beneficence were the solemn-faced "Crackers," as hundreds of them dropped to the ground and fed the exhausted warriors with "hog, hominy," and water from packs strapped with their rifles to their dirty, sturdy shoulders"'nough sight better work for angels to do than loafin' around the throne."

We are both provided with this instrument of torturea thick plaited thong about five feet long, attached to a short thick wooden handle, and terminating in a flat leathern cracker of eight or ten inches.

How much would yer spend ter gain itthat light-hearted, joyous glow That come with yer fust fire-crackers, when yer bought 'em long ago? * * * * * WHEN NATHAN LED THE CHOIR I s'pose I hain't progressive, but I swan, it seems ter me Religion isn't nigh so good as what it used ter be!

In the midst of the revelry Bowers suddenly appeared, followed by some satellites bearing an enormous Christmas Tree whose branches bore flaming candles, gaudy crackers, and little presents for all.

This evidently gave the range closely enough, and the whole battery burst into a roar of fire, the blazing flashes running up and down the line of guns like the reports of a gigantic Chinese cracker.

When they see it, they will perhaps understand why I was not to be driven out by a golden cracker on their family whip.

18 adjectives to describe  crackers