159 adjectives to describe creed

It is the enemy who gives meaning to a religious creed: without our creed we cannot win.

Nor would it interfere with my theological creed, if any or all of them were proven to be true to-morrow.

On the one side religious fanaticism, when Hindoo and Mohammedan, restraining the bitter animosity of their rival creeds, united together in the attempt to drive out of their common country that race which for one hundred years had dominated and held the overlordship of the greater portion of India.

His poetic creed may be summed up in one of his own stanzas: Give me ae spark o' Nature's fire, That's a' the learning I desire; Then, though I trudge thro' dub an' mire At pleugh or cart, My Muse, though hamely in attire, May touch the heart.

These men, mostly learned and pious, were not contented with the restoration as effected by Elizabeth's reformers,they wanted greater simplicity of worship and a more definite and logical creed; and they made a good deal of trouble, being very conscientious and somewhat narrow and intolerant.

The free-born soul shall not be captive then, Bound by decaying cords of narrow creeds, God's image shall more clearly shine in men, Divinely shaped by holy aims and deeds.

Like most freethinkers of the time Gibbon thought it well to protect himself and his work against the possibility of prosecution by paying ironical lip-homage to the orthodox creed.

For, if you take that point of view, the pure and sacred endeavor after truth would, to say the least, appear quixotic, and even criminal, if it ventured, in its feeling of justice, to denounce the authoritative creed as a usurper who had taken possession of the throne of truth and maintained his position by keeping up the deception.

Probably the very zeal of this prince for the heathen deities, to whom he set up statues and multiplied altars, may have inspired the neighboring nations with the desire of converting so powerful a ruler to their respective creeds; and thus his blind impulse toward the Deity, which was unknown to him, received a true direction.

Long before I had enlarged in any considerable degree the basis of my intellectual creed, I had obtained, in the natural course of my mental progress, poetic culture of the most valuable kind, by means of reverential admiration for the lives and characters of heroic persons; especially the heroes of philosophy.

On the wall was a sign in Latin and French"Unhappy the spirit which worries about the future," a facetious warning that any one who loafed there longer than three minutes was likely to be killed, and the following artistic creed from "La Fontaine:" "Ne for fans point noire talent.

These formed the official creed of the Church, and assent to them was exacted from all its ministers, probationers, and elders.

The cultivation of the feelings became one of the cardinal points in my ethical and philosophical creed.

In his youth his liberal-mindedness made him a Jacobite out of mere antagonism to the existing régime; the Revolution only discovered for him the more logical Republican creed.

From Panaetius they were to learn a philosophical creed which might direct and save them in the future, which might serve as ballast in public and private life, just when the ship was beginning to drift in moral helplessness.

So Narcissus prayed and sang his love in terms of an alien creed.

" The whole spirit of their work is reflected in two poems of this remarkable little volume, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," which is Coleridge's masterpiece, and "Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey," which expresses Wordsworth's poetical creed, and which is one of the noblest and most significant of our poems.

Canon Parr has been at our Parish Church nine and twenty years, and although we don't subscribe to his ecclesiastical creed, we believe he has done good in his time.

The seed of a universal creed had indeed been sown; but that it ever germinated was due to circumstances rather than design.

Mahommed at length became so deeply interested in his Christian slave, that he offered him freedom, wealth, distinction, his own friendship and support, all on the one, he thought, simple and easy condition of giving up his country and his faith, and embracing the one holy creed of Mahomet.

When their faith became the predominant creed and had the power of the State behind it, they abandoned this view.

A groundless creed was swept away, With brand of "coward "a time-worn say And he blazed the path a better way Up the side of San Juan Hill!

" "If," said Rev. Carmicle, "Mohammedanism, with its imperfect creed, is successful in gathering large numbers of negroes beneath the Crescent, could not a legitimate commerce and the teachings of a pure Christianity have done as much to plant the standard of the Cross over the ramparts of sin and idolatry in Africa?

Think of an education which impressed on the minds of interesting young girls that the trifling sins which they committed every day, and which proceeded from the exuberance of animal spirits, justly doomed them to everlasting burnings, without expiations,a creed so cruel as to undermine the health, and make life itself a misery!

Their worship expresses itself naturally in the tribal ritual and the tribal creed.

159 adjectives to describe  creed