33 adjectives to describe crumb

Pour the mince into a dish, beat up the white of egg, spread it over, and strew on it a few grated bread crumbs; pour a very little clarified butter on the whole, and brown either before the fire or with a salamander.

Mix with 6 yolks of eggs and a cup of sugar, 1 tablespoonful of lemon-juice, 1 tablespoonful of brandy, 3 slices of stale cake-crumbs and the whites of the eggs beaten stiff.

Put in a well-buttered baking-dish a layer of the potatoes and a layer of fried bread-crumbs until dish is full.

"No, for while a woman gives her heart all at once, men crumble theirs away, as one feeds bread to birdsa crumb to this woman, a crumb to thatand such a little crumb, sometimes!

One does not make haste with such a meal, and when I had swallowed the last dry crumbs, which were like to have choked me, the day had fully come.

Dish along with other contents of saucepan, and when cool add a cup of brown bread crumbs, and one beaten egg.

When needed, pour a cupful of actively boiling water over a dessertspoonful of the prepared crumbs, let it steep for a few moments, then strain and serve.

From the land unto the cellar, Clean the peasant's hut he keeps, With a coarse and clumsy besom Every tiny crumb he sweeps.

Lying there upon our faces, with the canvas flapping furiously against our backs, we scraped our bread-bag for the last few frozen crumbs which remained, and ate a few scraps of raw meat which Mr. Leet found on one of the sledges.

Little enough of love's confession, surely, but a golden crumb to a man's starving love.

The waiter hovered around, nicking at the side-tables with his napkin and brushing them clean of imaginary crumbs.

She flicked another invisible crumb.

Stir into it, as soon as it boils, two eggs, yolks and whites well beaten separately, two heaping tablespoonfuls of sugar, a little grated lemon rind, and the light bread crumbs; stir rapidly till the whole thickens, pour into a deep dish, and when cold, dot the top with bits of currant or cranberry jelly.

That women had been taxed to build colleges to educate men, and if we could pick up a literary crumb that had fallen from their feasts, we surely had a right to it.

If I shouldn't be alive When the robins come, Give the one in red cravat A memorial crumb.

He tasted a little piece, a very little piece indeeda mere crumb.

Stir half a cup of cream into a quart of soft bread crumbs; prepare three pints of sliced apples, sprinkled with the sugar; fill a pudding dish with alternate layers of moistened crumbs and sliced apples, finishing with a thick layer of crumbs.

And she robbed herself of necessary sleep to read Stoddard's books, to study them, to wring from them the last precious crumb of help or information that they might have for her.

"the last being an exquisite tribute to a little dog which, like all his kind, had repaid our scant crumbs of affection with a whole life's devotion.

When thick add one and three-fourth cups of sifted dry rye bread crumbs, one-half pound of sweet almonds, also some bitter ones, grated or powdered as fine as possible, one-fourth pound of citron shredded fine, one cake of chocolate grated, the grated peel of one lemon, the juice of one orange and one lemon, one tablespoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon of allspice, one-half teaspoon of cloves, and a wine glass of brandy.

She seized hungrily upon the stray crumbs of conversation that fell to her.

Add another two tablespoonfuls bread crumbs, and leave out the potato; use three eggs, but beat yolks and whites together.

Bread Sauce. Put a teacupful fine crumbs in a basin, add a tablespoonful grated onion, and pour over 2 cupfuls white stock or milk and water.

No. 8 "Nutton," put through a food chopper, 1/2 Spanish onion boiled and finely chopped, 2 teacupsful zweiback bread crumbs, a little sage, salt to taste.

Then, once more, Mrs. May sniffed daintily at the "Parfait d'Amour," as a bird hovers near a tempting crumb thrown by a hand it fears.

33 adjectives to describe  crumb