7 adjectives to describe curbs

"To keep a constant curb on one's ardent longing is exhausting.

By his side, the white man stiffened, jerked without provocation at the cruel curb bit, until his horse halted uncertain; equally without provocation, sent the rowels of his long spurs deep into the sensitive flank, with a curse held the frightened beast down to a walk.

Wind blowing strong from the sea, roughening the dark blue waters, and fretting their indigo with foam, as though the ocean's coursers champed an invisible curb.

The violence of passions suddenly unreined after years of jealous curb and watchfulness for a moment overcame him, and he reeled as if fainting, into a chair.

"If you take your reins in one hand," he says, "an easy way is to hold the snaffle on your ring finger, and the left curb outside the little finger, with the right curb between the middle and fore fingers.

Young as I was, could it be expected that I should play the philosopher, and put a perpetual curb upon my inclinations?

To the east was a double board wall with earth tamped between: a solid curb higher than the head of a tall man.

7 adjectives to describe  curbs