12 adjectives to describe currants

INGREDIENTS.1 lb. of ripe white currants, the rind of 2 lemons, 1/4 oz. of grated ginger, 1 quart of whiskey, 1 lb. of lump sugar.

Dip nice bunches of clean currants, cherries, or grapes into the mixture; drain nearly dry, and roll lightly in powdered sugar.

There they were, in the great, gleaming window below: the rich Malaga raisins, bedded in their cases, cold to the lips, but within all glowing sweetness and passion; and the cool, tart little currants.

In the corrupted currants of this world, Offences gilded hand may shoue by Iustice

Then came the berries, and Thor knew where they all grew low down in the valleysfirst the wild red raspberries, then the soap berries, and after those the delicious black currants which grew in the cool depths of the forests and were almost as large as cherries and nearly as sweet as the sugar which Langdon had fed Muskwa.

FROSTED CURRANTS Pick fine, even, large bunches of red currants (not too ripe) and dip each bunch, one at a time, into a mixture of frothed white of egg, then into a thick, boiled sugar syrup.

for a pint of iced currants.

There they were, in the great, gleaming window below: the rich Malaga raisins, bedded in their cases, cold to the lips, but within all glowing sweetness and passion; and the cool, tart little currants.

At other times, he himself composed melodies, executed pastorals with mild black-currant which evoked, in his throat, the trillings of nightingales; with the tender chouva cocoa which sang saccharine songs like "The romance of Estelle" and the "Ah!

Oar native currants are strongly acidulous, like the cranberry, and make an excellent preserve when mixed with the raspberry.

Out of her fruit she annually conserved miracles of flavor and transparence,great plums like those in Aladdin's garden, of shining topaz,peaches tinged with the odorous bitter of their pits, and clear as amber,crimson crabs floating in their own ruby sirup, or transmuted into jelly crystal clear, yet breaking with a grain,and jelly from the acid currants to garnish her dinner-table or refresh the fevered lips of a sick neighbor.

There they were, in the great, gleaming window below: the rich Malaga raisins, bedded in their cases, cold to the lips, but within all glowing sweetness and passion; and the cool, tart little currants.

12 adjectives to describe  currants