83 adjectives to describe cushions

The central portion lies between the lateral cartilages and immediately under the coronary cushion.

The formation of this last-named artery is completed posteriorly by the before-mentioned branch from the artery of the plantar cushion.

The dwarfs were entertained, caressed, and seated with great ceremony on little cushions of state.

A silken cushion or a bank of flowers?

She was the comfortablest cushion of a creature that the evolution of the universe had ever produced.

The bearded moss clustered like a thousand little brown pin-cushions upon the old thatch, and older stones; and sometimes the polyanthus and primrose, planted beside it by some child who loved to look at flowers, would close their eyes and lay their dewy checks upon the moss's breast at evening.

etc.] "Rise up, rise up, Xarifa, lay the golden cushion down; Rise up, come to the window, and gaze with all the town.

Cardinals walked two and two through St. Peter's, knelt on purple velvet cushions before the Capella in prayer, then successively kissed the toe of the bronze image of St. Peter as they walked past it.

Into her lap plumped an embroidered pin-cushion, on one shoulder drooped a muslin and lace apron, over her head was draped a white silk waist, while all around, on floor and table, were other articles, besides packages of various sizes tied with pink and white ribbons.

These languid women on their muslin cushions toil not, neither do they spin.

It wasn't exactly a shrine, even if there was a crimson cushion conveniently disposed before it, and if Mary for a while said her prayers there instead of in the old childish way at her bedside, and if she genuflected when she passed it, that was her own affair.

The windheavy with the perfume that stirred so many hearts with longing, eddied carelessly into the garden of the big brick house with the plain verandas, doubling round to the garden at the back, where, in an old-fashioned rocking chair with chintz cushions, sat the ex-Premier.

" "Thou wilt take thy choice of my gondolas for the regatta, Gino," observed the Duke of Sant' Agata, entering the pavilion, and throwing himself on the glossy black leathern cushions, without adverting to the suggestion of his servant.

" "I am sitting, foolish mortal," said she, in tones of deep commiseration, "on a soft, thick cushion of mossmuch more comfortable, I imagine, than hard, flat rocks.

The woolsack is between these two divisions of sofas, in the middle passage of the floora great square seat, covered with scarlet, and with a scarlet cushion set up perpendicularly for the Chancellor to lean against.

She sank into the blue satin chair, with its ample cushions, and looked down at Elizabeth with something very much like awe.

Lying on the dusty seat-cushion was a single silver teaspoon.

This resemblance struck him as he reclined against the fat red cushion in his verandah summing up his gains.

" The river was literally alive with these small craft, going up and down, gathering their parties together and paying friendly little visits to the neighbouring house-boats, while gay parasols, striped shirt-waists, white flannels, sailor hats, house-boat flags, and gay coloured boat cushions, made the river flash in the sunshine like an electric lighted rainbow.

Jane sat in a high-backed wooden rocking-chair, which had a flag bottom and a ruffled calico cushion, and could only rock a very few inches back and forth, owing to the loss of half of one of the rockers.

Had you no objection to so holy a day being polluted by the addition of supplications, while you did not choose it to be so by the addition of ceremonies connected with a sacred cushion?

For a month afterward the poor Sheriff could sit upon nought but the softest cushions that could be gotten for him.

There, on marble benches, spread with colored cushions, at the rear under the balcony, the richer men of business sat chattering to mask their real thoughtsJews, Alexandrians, Atheniansa Roman here and there, cupidity more frankly written on his face, his eyes a little harder and less subtle, more abrupt in gesture and less patient with delays.

The table was filled with empty cans and tin plates and cracked, oven-stained bowls and iron-handled knives and forks, and the bunk in the corner was a tumble of gray blankets and unpleasant, red-flowered comfortscorner-wads, Charming Billy was used to calling themand for pillows there were two square, calico-covered cushions, depressingly ugly in pattern and not over-clean.

" The river was literally alive with these small craft, going up and down, gathering their parties together and paying friendly little visits to the neighbouring house-boats, while gay parasols, striped shirt-waists, white flannels, sailor hats, house-boat flags, and gay coloured boat cushions, made the river flash in the sunshine like an electric lighted rainbow.

83 adjectives to describe  cushions