8 adjectives to describe cuticle

When fully fattened, the thin cuticle, that is one of its characteristics, cracks, from the adipose distension beneath, exposing the fatty mass, which discharges a liquid oil from the adjacent tissues.

Then, again, the sensibility of the outer skin seems to affect the sensibility to heat, for parts with a thin skin can bear less heat than portions with a thick cuticle.

We skim off a thin, dry cuticle from the rapids of Niagara, and lay it on our unmoistened paper without breaking a bubble or losing a speck of foam.

In London this process is very simple, and as our butchers have found that much skewering back, doubling one part over another, or scoring the inner cuticle or fell, tends to spoil the meat and shorten the time it would otherwise keep, they avoid all such treatment entirely.

It afforded an area of greasy and dirty brown cuticle and of moose skin, if possible dirtier and greasier still.

They looked like candlesticks, and short-sighted people, with thin theological cuticles, and a horror of Puseyism, disliked them.

I have known some rascals say, they were sorry they had not been lucky enough to be wounded, as they considered a punctured cuticle nothing to set against the magnificent douceur of four or five rupees.

It afforded an area of greasy and dirty brown cuticle and of moose skin, if possible dirtier and greasier still.

8 adjectives to describe  cuticle