5 adjectives to describe ds

"Where d or t go before, the additional letter d or t, in this contracted form, coalesce into one letter with the radical d or t."Dr.

OF THE LETTER D. The general sound of the consonant D, is that which is heard in dog, eddy, did.

"Yates," he said unsteadily, "all I ask of you is to keep this terrible n-news from my innocent d-daughters until I can f-find out what sort of a person is f-fated to lead me to the altar!" Yates took the offered hand with genuine emotion.

She spells the old surname van der Marcka little v and a little d with an r run in, the first two syllables written like separate words, and then the big M for Mark with a c before the k.

for its object Prepositions, words in the list of, sometimes used as other parts of speech extension of the list of examples of the less usual, a, and others beginning with a do. of unusual ones beginning with b, c, or d unusual, quotations illustrating further the list of Preposition, RULE of synt.

5 adjectives to describe  ds