10 adjectives to describe dar

Dat dar what my young mistress put on me when I was a chile.

Tom looked at her in a very earnest, embarrassed way, and said: "Missis, am yer one ob dem Ab-lish-nishts dar in de Norf, dat Massa swars 'bout?" Mrs. Delano turned toward Flora with a look of perplexity, and, having received an interpretation of the question, she smiled as she answered: "I rather think I am half an Abolitionist, Tom.

"What for you dune dar?" cried the darky.

The good old man Pírán-wísah happened to be passing by the place to which Byzun had just been conveyed to suffer death; and seeing a great concourse of people, and a lofty dar erected, from which hung a noose, he inquired for whom it was intended.

Suddenly the off horse gave a plunge, the coach tilted far to one side, and then righted itself as Caesar's loud "Whoa, dar!

"And your children,you have never forgotten them?" "No, missy, I neber forgets dem, and though dey brack as dar mammy, I lub dem as much as dat pure creter dar; and I takes dem in my arms, and press dem to my heart de same, but I rudder be called to part wid dem, dan dat such as she hab to gib up her chilen, for 'pears like I can bear it better, cause I's brack.

'Twas de inside ob de libery, if he must know de troof; wet an' smutty dar now, mebbe, but no fire.

And next morning he departed, carrying off the bell, with the invisible fiend inside it; the cards, which were regarded as a book of magic; and the luckless Euschemon, who shortly found himself in total dar

an' wished dar warn't no letters dis side de Atlantic nor torrer, ebery day I woke.

ye goin' dar?" "Yes, Job." "De ship what am goin' ter bombard dat town am de Xenophon.

10 adjectives to describe  dar