140 adjectives to describe dating

At a later date he was enabled to hire five hundred men to assist him to transport his goods, and presented each with a cow as a reward for his services.

Thursday looks more casual, more full of feeling than the exact date.

It is often difficult to give precise dates.

It is a useful thing that priests should recognise the authorship of the psalms recited, their probable dates, the circumstances of their composition, the sublimity of their thought, the peculiarity of their Hebrew style, the rhythm and poetry of the Hebrews.

The fall of the military caste in Germany and the formation of a democratic society will derive much help from the abolition, for a not too brief period of time, of the permanent army, and this will render possible, at no distant date, an effective reduction of the armaments in the victorious countries.

"Est" means date uncertain.

She was rather glad that he had not fixed a definite date.

HURST, VIDA. Blind date.

All this is interesting, but, of course, has no direct bearing on the actual date of invention.

The varying use of symbols at different periods has been one of the means which have assisted in determining approximate dates for the inscriptions upon which they are met with.

" He waved his thin hand toward a rude shelf on which were several well-worn City Directories of remote dates, volumes of Patent Office Reports for the years '57 and '59, a copy of Mr. GREELEY'S Essays on Political Economy, an edition of the Corporation Manual, the Coast Survey for 1850, and other inflaming statistical works, which had been sent to him in his exile by thoughtful friends who had no place to keep them.

Like the Miracle plays, most of the old Moralities are of unknown date and origin.

As it is written in Accadian, its composition must be referred to a date anterior to the seventeenth century B.C., when that language became extinct.

SEE Willard, Harley R. BRYAN, R. D. Average due dates; Monroe method of figuring average due dates and tables.

The character of the forms under which historical dates are visualised contrast strongly with the ordinary Number-Forms.

That she might not infer this for herself, I led her to believe that the existence and discovery of the conspiracy was of a date long subsequent to my acceptance of the Sovereign's unwelcome gift.

To give the Senate a more detailed and satisfactory view of the subject, I send the accompanying tabular statement, certified by the Secretary of State, in which the instances are all set forth in which provisional as well as permanent appointments were made to the highest executive offices from 1829 nearly to the present time, with their respective dates.

November 4, a memorable date, found Germany alone and unsupported against a world triumphant in arms.

ARTICLE V. The present treaty shall be ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by Her Brittanic Majesty; and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London, at the expiration of six months from the date hereof, or sooner if possible.

The correct date is 1793-4.

The monogram is hardly to be found before the time of Constantine, and, as it is very frequently met with in the inscriptions from the catacombs, it affords an easy means, in the absence of a more specific date, for determining a period earlier than which any special inscription bearing it cannot have originated.

The accurate dates of the introduction of the various twists I have not been able to ascertain.

See then, my lords, this atrocious accusation founded upon false dates, upon a preposterous arrangement of occurrences; behold it vanish into smoke at the approach of truth, and let this instance convince us how easy it is to form chimerical blunders, and impute gross follies to the wisest administration; how easy it is to charge others with mistakes and how difficult to avoid them.

Grim figured a moment and worked out the corresponding date according to our western calendar.

The mere date of a patent, however, is of small moment for our present purposes.

140 adjectives to describe  dating