17 adjectives to describe demure

They had a mighty demure look, and never condescended to solicit any person to deal with thema mode of behaviour which the butchers, fishmongers, fruiterers, and greengrocers, of Great Britain would do well to imitate.

Butyou old sly-bootsdidn't I see her one day armed with a sponge standing over you, holding you down on the toilet table? KIKI-THE-DEMURE, (quite embarrassed, lashing his tail) An old story!

JULIET'S NURSE In old-world nursery vacant now of children, With posied walls, familiar, fair, demure, And facing southward o'er romantic streets, Sits yet and gossips winter's dark away

TOBY-DOG The fev KIKI-THE-DEMURE, (quickly) Enough.

To such a youth, feverishly seeking distraction from his own black moods, the demure, devout Princess, ignorant of the caresses and coquetry of her sex, moving like a spectre among the brilliant, light-hearted ladies of his Court, was the most unsuitable, the most impossible of brides.

KIKI-THE-DEMURE, (interested)

KIKI-THE-DEMURE, (invisible) I can't help hearing, and it's as if I saw everything that's going on.

Ask of the damned ... TOBY-DOG Of whom? KIKI-THE-DEMURE, (more and more melodramatic, but without conviction) ... of the damned in his vat of boiling oil, if anything amuses him!

A nun demure of lowly port; Or sprightly maiden, of Love's court, In thy simplicity the sport Of all temptations; 20 A queen in crown of rubies drest; A starveling in a scanty vest; Are all, as seems to suit thee best, Thy appellations.

KIKI-THE-DEMURE, (sitting up, his eyes pale from the light and sleepiness)

Yet she was not piquant, demure, like the girls he had met in France; not stylish and sophisticated like those of the great cities he had visited since his return.

"Look at Captain Cameron and our pretty demure cousin Ellen, Emmeline; I never saw such devotion in my life.

The earth that stuck to my muzzle had some of the animal's fur in it.... KIKI-THE-DEMURE, (more and more satanic)

Sweet little saint, so shy, demure!

Now beholding all the beauty of her, because of her gracious loveliness, his breath caught, then hurried thick and fast, insomuch that when he would have spoken he could not; thus he worshipped her in a look and she, content to be so worshipped, sat with head down-bent, as sweetly demure, as proud and stately as ifas if she ne'er in all her days had fled with hampering draperies caught up so high!

Decorous, demure, sedate, sober, staid, prim, proper. Deface, disfigure, mar, mutilate.

KIKI-THE-DEMURE, (looking very like a cushion; no paws visible)

17 adjectives to describe  demure