26 adjectives to describe denote

The present subjunctive denotes a wish for the future: as, "Thy kingdom come."

"A passive verb denotes action received or endured by the person or thing which is its nominative.

The Resolution is right; it is nobleit denotes in the source whence it emanated, a proper sense of the rights and dignity of man.

The nominative denotes the agent, actor, or doer; the person or thing that is made the subject of an affirmation, negation, question, or supposition: its place, except in a question, is commonly before the verb.

"A distributive adjective denotes each one of a number considered separately.

[Illustration: POSITION OF HOSTILE ARMIES, SEPTEMBER 4, 1914 Heavy dotted line denotes battle front of the Allies; lighter line the position of the German Troops.]

The dual denotes two or a pair; it is comparatively rare, and never occurs in the New Testament.

This tribe has lived in its present central position longer than the period of exact history denotes.

Feeble denotes decided or extreme weakness, which may excite pity or contempt.

Barometrical observations show its altitude, above the same point, to be 1,680 feetwhich denotes an average descent of a fraction over six inches per mile.

But who will suppose that foolish denotes but a slight degree of folly, or bookish but a slight fondness for books?

Friendly denotes goodwill positive in quality though perhaps limited in degree; we may be friendly to friends, enemies, or strangers.

Greedy denotes excessiveness (usually habitual) of appetite or, in its figurative uses, of desire; it nearly always carries the idea of selfishness.

The perfect infinitive denotes action complete with reference to the time of the principal verb: [I am glad to have known her].

In participles, ing denotes continuance: thus being usually means continuing to be; loving, continuing to love; building, continuing to build,or (as taken passively) continuing to be built: i. e., (in words which express the sense more precisely and certainly,) continuing to be in process of construction.

Judicious denotes sound judgment or careful discretion in weighing a matter with reference to its merits or its consequences.

Common in its original meaning denotes that which is peculiar to all men, i.e., shared equally by the whole species, and therefore an inherent part of its nature.

[Footnote 18: Wudijoo, a mountainong denotes locality.] 16th.

5.A cardinal numeral denotes the whole number, but the corresponding ordinal denotes only the last one of that number, or, at the beginning of a series, the first of several or many.

5.A cardinal numeral denotes the whole number, but the corresponding ordinal denotes only the last one of that number, or, at the beginning of a series, the first of several or many.

The pansy held upright denotes "heart's ease;" reversed, it speaks the contrary.

"A distributive adjective denotes each one of a number considered separately.

Voracious denotes intense hunger or the hasty and prolonged consumption of great quantities of food; it may indicate, not habitual selfishness, but the stress of circumstances.

5.A cardinal numeral denotes the whole number, but the corresponding ordinal denotes only the last one of that number, or, at the beginning of a series, the first of several or many.

5.A cardinal numeral denotes the whole number, but the corresponding ordinal denotes only the last one of that number, or, at the beginning of a series, the first of several or many.

26 adjectives to describe  denote