20 adjectives to describe designer

Allingham's 'Young Customers'should be not only by an accomplished designer of woodcuts, but itself the illustration of a popular story.

One or two of the amateur designers having a finger in the architectural pie had serious notions as to the importance of air space.

Fourth choice went to the artisansskilled designers, builders, fabricators.

STOTHARD, THOMAS, artistic designer and book illustrator, as well as painter, born in London, son of an innkeeper; illustrated, among other works, "Pilgrim's Progress," and along with Turner, Rogers' "Italy" (1755-1834).

With these facts in mind it does not require very much courage to go ahead with an imperfect design, but unfortunately these thoughts will not stay in the mind of the average designer.

Mrs. Hulbert is also favorably known as an illustrator and decorative designer.

The Dance was made the ornament of books of devotion, and the subject of ornamental initial-letters; groups from it were engraved repeatedly by those fantastic designers and exquisite workmen known as the Little Masters of Germany; a single group was assumed as a device, or trademark, by more than one printer; and it was sung in popular ballads.

The copy of the first edition of Pompey the Little, which lies before me, contains an excellent impression of the frontispiece by Louis Boitard, the fashionable engraver-designer, whose print of the Ranelagh Rotunda is so much sought after by amateurs.

His name was Gillot, and in civil life he had been an industrial designer.

(To the ingenious designer of the annexed sketch, we are likewise indebted for the Plan for a Maze, in our Vol.

Do you suppose the innocent designer of baths meant everybody to sit like that, with a tap looking over each shoulder?

ICTINUS, great Greek architect of the 5th century B.C., a contemporary of Pericles, designer of temples at Bussæ and Eleusis, and joint-designer with Callicrates of the world's one perfect building, the Parthenon, at Athens (437 B.C.).

Such things remain there just because later designers have followed blindly.

Little saucy-faced designers!

Indeed, Mr. Rogers was a very notable designer and carver of this time; he had introduced his famous boxwood carvings about seven years previously.

Its probable designer was Sir R. Bray, Henry VII.'s architect, and the king is supposed to have contributed to its erection.

This failure of mankind in general to grasp the advantages of a new mechanism as it appears on paper is only a slight part of the troubles to be encountered by a progressive designer.

And, taking art in its special function, that of the decorator, there can hardly be a dispute as to his rank amongst the greatest of romantic designers of the centuries following that of Giotto.

We are able to understand what Michelangelo meant when he remarked that all subsequent designers, by departing from it, had gone wrong.

The only really wholesome designer of great power whom I have seen in Germany is Kaulbach; and perhaps every one would not agree with my reasons for admiring him, in this whitewashed age.

20 adjectives to describe  designer