70 adjectives to describe despot

He was the very incarnation of reaction against revolution, and he became the demigod of that horde of petty despots who infest Central Europe.

He became an absolute despot.

At one time he was regarded by some of his opponents as a political fire-eatera democratic despot who would have decapitated kings and queens without a tinge of remorse, and slain wicked Tories with the sword.

Herod's latter days however were clouded by the intrigues of his court, by treason and conspiracies, in consequence of which his sons, favorites with the people on account of their accomplishments and their Asmonean blood, were executed by the suspicious and savage despot.

What is called jurisprudence they even improved, as that later imperial despot Napoleon gave a code to the nation he ruled.

and are you willing to abandon the law and rights of society to the mercy of the allied despots, who have united to crush them everywhere?

About five o'clock in the afternoon, on a dry pampa, we found the ruins of one of the largest known Inca storehouses, Chichipampa, an interesting reminder of the days when benevolent despots ruled the Andes and, like the Pharaohs of old, provided against possible famine.

Country editors, who, before speculating in tickets of admission, were without shoes to their feet, have been suddenly converted into haughty despots and bloated aristocrats by their prodigious gains.

When Napoleon's doom was sealed by his disasters in Russia, then, and not till then, did the Prussian king unite with Russia and Austria to crush the unscrupulous despot.

At the battle of Maubeuge, France was in the first paroxysm of revolutionary terrorat that of Fleurus, she had become a scene of carnage and proscription, at once the most wretched and the most detestable of nations, the sport and the prey of despots so contemptible, that neither the excess of their crimes, nor the sufferings they inflicted, could efface the ridicule which was incurred by a submission to them.

" In fact the Caesars and the Flavians met the same fate; the two lines began and ended alike; the former with Augustus and Nero, the latter with Vespasian and Domitian; first a despot, able, cold, and as capable of cruelty as of moderation, then a tyrant, atrocious and detested.

To see a powerful vessel of America, coming to far Asia, in order to break the chains by which the mightiest despots of Europe fettered the activity of an exiled Magyar, whose name disturbed their sleepto be restored by such a protection to freedom and activityyou may well conceive, was intensely felt by me; as indeed I still feel it.

not dictated by the whims of ambitious despots, but founded upon everlasting principles, such as republics can acknowledge who themselves live upon principles.

Awe and silence pervaded the inhabitants [of Penrith] when the gloomy despot traversed their streets.

He is a sort of disinterested despot.

Still less was it the result of any lack of tenacity and idiosyncrasy of national feeling; on the contrary the Aramaeans defended their nationality with the weapons of intellect as well as with their blood against all the allurements of Greek civilization and all the coercive measures of eastern and western despots, and

For he was what is called an enlightened despot, which is the worst kind of despot.

Philip, bred in this school of slavish superstition, taught that he was the despot for whom it was formed, familiar with the degrading tactics of eastern tyranny, was at once the most contemptible and unfortunate of men.

Only the King of Spain, Philip II., a fanatical despot, and pitiless persecutor, showed complete satisfaction at the event; and he offered Charles IX.

I said it was inconsistent and unworthy of the Genevese who called themselves republicans to persecute or join in the persecution of the republicans of France in order to please foreign despots.

His enemies called him a greedy, suspicious despot.

It led the Czar away from his original purpose, and converted him, from a benevolent ruler, into a harsh, suspicious, unfeeling despot.

The nobleman to whom this servile language was addressed was a hateful despot, who stands marked in the history of Virginia for his oppressive administration, his arrogance, and his faithlessness.

It would be difficult to find a more hard-hearted despot, and yet a more patriotic sovereign.

A hundred thousand Armenians butchered at the will of an inhuman despot, a whole city buried under a volcano's fiery hail, countless multitudes suffering the slow torture of death by faminecan such things be and God really care?

70 adjectives to describe  despot