91 adjectives to describe detective

(In Double detective, Dec. 1937)

"At first it was just to amuse ourselves that we became amateur detectives, but the developments are so startling and serious that we now consider it our duty to uncover the whole dreadful crime, in the interests of justice.

"I'll set Fogerty, who is a clever detective, at work.

But my duty was plain" "Naturally," echoed the fiery little detective.

As a man he is good, honest, and rather narrow; as a professional detective he is base and mean, utterly without scruple, and a Jesuit of Jesuits.

(In Flynn's weekly detective fiction, Jan. 14-Feb. 4, 1928)

A familiar type of metropolitan detective met them in the hall outside Bobby's door.

The poor little half-frozen telegraph-boy was closely catechized, first by the officers of the telegraph-company, and afterwards by certain shrewd detectives, but no clue could be got to the fine gentleman who so generously relieved him of his responsibility, and no result followed, except his dismissal and the employment of another lad of more ability and probably less innocence.

The disdainful pity of the deductive experts for the rule-of-thumb methods of the police is not to be compared with the vigorous scorn of the official detective for the rival who has not had the benefit of police training.

He was about to say more, when a few words from the anti-detective stopped him suddenly.

"The question of the knife remained certainly, but Sir Marmaduke passed over it with guarded eloquence, placing that strange question in the category of those inexplicable coincidences which tend to puzzle the ablest detectives, and cause them to commit such unpardonable blunders as the present one had been.

He knew, also, that he was not a bona fide detective, but a municipal detective, who is paid a monthly salary and walks stealthily along side streets in citizen's dress, all the time imagining that the people he meets take him to be a merchant or a lawyer.

His roaming look found the gray detective: "Where's Captain Greenleaf?" "Gone."

"I have asked Mr. Crewe, the celebrated detective, to assist you.

Nevertheless, in the case under notice, some vigilant detective, with a nose as sharp as that of a Spitz-dog, obtained a clue to the arrangements of the counterfeiters.

Grandma Duck, homespun detective; General Mills premium.

You see, if I'd been a better detective you'd never have spotted me so quickly.

CHAPTER V M. Floçon was an experienced detective, and he knew so well that he ought to be on his guard against the most plausible suggestions, that he did not like to make too much of these discoveries.

The desk sergeant bowed with great respect to the youthful detective.

CHAPTER III Towards the middle of the morning I was sitting in my office, awaiting the coming of a prominent New York detective, with whom I had an appointment, when my clerk entered to inform me that a lady was in the outer office, and desired to see me if I could spare her a few minutes.

"] The ingenious detective of France, where crime and all its appurtenances have reached such a state of perfection, is not without his means of securing his man (No. 7).

He is one of the keenest detectives in New YorkEdward Dane his name is.

(Adventures of Craig Kennedy, scientific detective)

She was a female detective; I was a modest gentleman of rigid English respectability, not without some matrimonial experience in the ways of Woman.

His plot had been so audacious and all clews so cleverly destroyed or covered up that the most skillful detective, knowing he had abducted the girl; would be completely baffled in an attempt to find her.

91 adjectives to describe  detective