8 adjectives to describe determining

Now he had heard how sometime Danaos at Argos devised for his forty and eight maiden daughters, ere mid-day was upon them, a wedding of utmost speedfor he straightway set the whole company at the race-course end, and bade determine by a foot-race which maiden each hero should have, of all the suitors that had come.

Our space is called three-dimensional because it takes three numbersmeasurement in three mutually perpendicular directionsto determine and mark out any particular point from the totality of points.

Means of exact observation of the heavenly bodies would not suffice for exact determining of longitude until the sailor was provided with a timepiece that could be relied upon in all climates for a true uniform standard of time.

But, indeed, the Maid showed a good spirit, and I to have fierce determining that we come free of that Gorge, and afterward, in time, unto our Mighty Home.

By this time, Sir, I hope you begin to consider what a great disadvantage it has been to the Church and Religion, the mere venturous and inconsiderate determining of Youths to the profession of Learning.

Our space is called three-dimensional because it takes three numbersmeasurement in three mutually perpendicular directionsto determine and mark out any particular point from the totality of points.

The ultimate determining of sources is an ungrateful theme.

By this time, Sir, I hope you begin to consider what a great disadvantage it has been to the Church and Religion, the mere venturous and inconsiderate determining of Youths to the profession of Learning.

8 adjectives to describe  determining