42 adjectives to describe diagram

SEE Physiographic diagram of Europe, 1923.

The approximate organization is shown as concisely as possible in the following diagram: CHIEF OF IMPERIAL GENERAL STAFF Director of Staff Duties.

See here," and taking a sheet of paper, he made a rough diagram.

Day after day Barney skirted furtively about the uncompromising walls of Libby and Castle Thunder, where once or twice he had gone with his hosts to make a mental diagram of the place for future use.

[Illustration] Sometimes the vapor is condensed by being allowed to play against the inside of a conical cover which is adapted to a saucepan, and is kept cool by the external application of cold water; and in this case the still takes the form represented by the subjoined diagrams; such compact and portable stills being largely employed in Ireland for the private manufacture of whisky.

The lesson was conveyed in hard, dry, uncouth diagrams, ill-coloured and deficient in the quality of animation.

The order indicated in the accompanying diagram represents the Piegan camp as it used to stand thirty-five or forty years ago.

Obligatory scenes of this order are mere diagrams drawn with ruler and compassthe obligatory illustrations of an extravagantly over-systematic lecture.

Sometimes diagrams, explanatory of the subjects mentioned by the author, are placed on the margin.

Guided by an illustrative diagram we signed the receipt in due form and returned it.

Down at Havre the officials at the station gave me a complicated yellow diagram, known as a travelling pass, and I got into a carriage in the train bound for Rouen.

I've watched him making faces with the top of his head so long I dream of geometrical diagrams laid out in eyebrowsand wake up screaming.

Aranâtha: (1) Sarvârthasiddha; (2) Gajapura; (3) Sudar['s]ana by Devîrâ[n.]î; (4) golden; (5) the Nandyâvarta diagram, (Dig.

MOLESWORTH, G.L.: Graphic diagrams of strength of teak beams.

A new and agreeable Parliamentary innovation has been introduced by Sir Eric Geddes in the shape of an immense diagram showing the downward tendency of the U-boat activities.

In the Labor Museum of Hull House is shown a very ingenious diagram, representing the development on the mechanical side of the process of spinning, one of the oldest of the arts.

At this moment I have no intuition, no intellectual diagram, of this article of the commission of all judgment to the Son, and therefore a multitude of plausible objections present themselves, which I cannot solvenor do I expect to solve them till by faith I see the thing itself.

On trial trips with the steamers already named, the consumption of ordinary South Yorkshire coal was 1.6 lb. per indicated horse power, and the consumption of water per indicated horse power calculated from the high pressure indicator diagrams was 1.41 in the Draco, 13.2 in the Rosario, and 13.16 with the Finland, or taking the medium pressure diagrams, it was 12.2, 1.30, and 11.95 respectively.

This is no fanciful simile: it is simply true that such is the actual appearance of the yolk at this time; and the idea cannot but suggest itself to the mind, that the thoughts which have been at work in the universe are collected and repeated here within this little egg, which offers us a miniature diagram of the firmament.

I suppose that it first came into existence when the child was learning to count, and was used by him as a natural mnemonic diagram, to which he referred the spoken words "one," "two," "three," etc.

Hattie also arose, and took her parasol, as if to follow, but Charley remained seated, tracing mysterious diagrams upon the table-cloth with his fork, and looked sublimely unconscious.

It was illustrated by numerous diagrams, from which our engravings have been prepared.

" In her hand she held a tape-measure and an official diagram of a tennis-court.

The principal ranges have a tendency to run north and south, with a certain amount of deflection east and west, as the case may be, so that the orographic diagram of the archipelago, as a whole, has a similarity to a fan, with northern Luzon as its center of radiation.

He preferred engine diagrams and flow charts.

42 adjectives to describe  diagram