7 adjectives to describe diatribe

" Stafford smiled rather absently; he was scarcely listening; he was so accustomed to Howard's cynical diatribes that more often than not they made no more impression on him than water on a duck's back.

There was a personal note in the furious diatribe that Bertin hurled at him that Clerambault could not understand.

Ruskin, with all the April showers of his rhetoric, discredited himself as an authoritative thinker when he screamed his old-maidish diatribes against that pioneer of modern romantic communication, the railroad.

The latter is a mere spiteful diatribe against various army officers, and neither its manner nor its matter warrants more than an allusion.

What Voltaire did in innumerable pamphlets, facetioe, and philosophic diatribes, Béranger did in songs.

The latter is a mere spiteful diatribe against various army officers, and neither its manner nor its matter warrants more than an allusion.

Out of this mood come most of his longer poems, like Queen Mab, Revolt of Islam, Hellas, and The Witch of Atlas, which are somewhat violent diatribes against government, priests, marriage, religion, even God as men supposed him to be.

7 adjectives to describe  diatribe