23 adjectives to describe ding

Now I knew three people of that name; one was a hackney coachman, when I was a member of the parliament of this realm, and drove me often to the house; the other was valet-de-chambre to my Lord Gosford; and the third, I take it, is the very man who has become your neighbor.

Once or twice a weary, fretful voice scolded feebly: "Un-peu-de-s'lence!

And I thy Trangdidowne-dilly: And sing, Hey ding a ding ding, And do the tother thing:

Thereupon a torrent of invectives was poured on the poor young man, who was quickly surrounded by a crowd of eager faces: One charming young person exclaimed, "Why, he is a disguised sergent-de-ville!""Yes, yes; he is a gendarme!"

I don't mind Frenchmen as Frenchmen; but what I say is, let them stick to their fal-de-rals.

" "It wasn't a snake bite?" "Oh, no; snake poison wouldn't kill a man that quicklynot even a fer-de-lance.

The bridge by which she passed was covered with blue taffeta, embroidered with golden fleurs-de-lys.

Houses and lands were to be distributed by lots, and the mighty man and the beggarthe old man and the hobble-de-hoythe industrious man and the spendthrift, the maimed, the cripple, and the blind, the clever man of business, and the haveril simpleton, made all just brethern, and alike.

[A jeu-de-mots on the scale in music and the Latin word sol.]

Besides, my apartment is the most discreet little rez-de-chaussée one could wish.

But unless the poet can love this fabulous monster as he is, can feel with some generous excitement his massive and mysterious 'joie-de-vivre,' the vast scale of his iron anatomy and the beating of his thunderous heart, he cannot and will not change the beast into the fairy prince.

The little signal bell above the door went off with a monstrous 'ding' that rang through his spine, and in a condition of feverish moistness he entered, and, halting a pace within, saw in blurred fashion, and seemingly at a great distance, the loveliest thing he knew.

For Garibaldi never informs even his nearest aide-de-camp what he is about to do.

À l'église nous des .

" "Chorus!" shouted Captain Campbell, beating time: "Fol-de-rol-de-rol-de-ray Provoked a sad affray!"

A sergent-de-ville, at the corner of he Pont-au-Change, exclaimed, loud enough for the passers-by to hear, "We shall lay hold of all those who have not their beards properly trimmed, or who do not appear to have slept.

" A silly, affected, typical French valet-de-chambre.

" A silly, affected, typical French valet-de-chambre.

How astonishing was that last European field of Solferino, ten miles in sweep,with the balloon floating above it for its spy and scout,with the thread-like wire trailing in the grass, and the lightning coursing back and forth, Napoleon's ubiquitous aide-de-camp,with railway-trains, bringing reinforcements into the midst of the melée, and their steam-whistle shrieking amid the thunders of battle!

" Thus dismissed, the unfortunate aides-de-camp could but bow, and retire in silence.

It has cost the labors of myself and an able-bodied valet-de-place since yesterday morning, and the expenditure of five dollars and a half, to accomplish this great work.

"Wal, ding!" said he.

Daung ding ding,ding,ding daung,daung daung daung, and so on, will tell you, as you wake in the night, that it is Mr. B.'s store which is on fire, and not yours, or that it is yours, and not his.

23 adjectives to describe  ding