229 adjectives to describe discoveries

They daily bring wars, statecraft, business plans, political situations, trade openings, scientific discoveries, forms of church-work and philanthropy, accidents, murders, and marriages, to our breakfast-table.

The texts of the author is beautifully embellished with fine engravings, and nothing is omitted that will give the public a clear knowledge of this remarkable discovery of Prof. Rontgen.

But a higher Providence solved for Ferdinand his impossible problem: the age of maritime discovery began.

" "It was an accidental discovery, Thursday.

This was a very fortunate discovery, as the trenches filled with water so slowly that a full supply could not have been obtained that night, and the horses had been sixty-five hours without water.

After the allies had stopped it and inaugurated their counter-offensive all Europe made a startling discovery.

He enriched Orosius by a sketch of the new geographical discoveries in the north.

Damon on the other hand was ravished at so unexpected a discovery, and in a few minutes had lived an age in love.

These matters, as well as the simultaneous calculation of the place of Neptune by Adams and Leverrier, and its actual discovery by Galle, are set forth by Sir Oliver Lodge in a manner as charming for simplicity as it is valuable in its summary of scientific learning.

It is possible however that further discoveries will be made on American soil, but it is my opinion that the most valuable discoveries will be further east and south of the present claims, and would advise prospectors to work east and south of Klondyke.

The industries of Murano had always been dear to the senatorial heart, but of late years the fostering care of the Republic had been increased to an unprecedented degree, and the stimulus thus given to the workmen of Murano had been evidenced in a series of brilliant discoveries, so that the marvel of their fabrics had become as much a source of jealousy to other nations as of revenue and pride to the Republic.

The sudden challenge, her sudden discovery that he knew, made Dorothea gasp.

In the next few years there will certainly be recorded the most marvellous discoveries in this territory, usually thought to be only a land of snow and ice and fit only to be classed with the Arctic regions.

This curious discovery is attributed to Andreas Libavius, professor of medicine and chemistry in the university of Halle, who, in the year 1615, publicly recommended experimental essays to ascertain the fact.

In 1258 Dante's tutor visited Roger Bacon, and, after seeing his experiments with the mariner's compass, wrote to an Italian friend: "This discovery so useful to all who travel by sea, must remain concealed until other times, because no mariner dare use it, lest he fall under imputation of being a magician, nor would sailors put to sea with one who carried an instrument so evidently constructed by the devil.

Nevertheless, though my place was only in the outermost porch of the temple, I was a faithful, devoted, self-sacrificing worshipper of the goddess; and therefore, because earnest fidelity has ever its crown of reward, it happened to me to make a grand discovery,a discovery more momentous, it may be, than that of gunpowder or the telescope,ten million hundred times more worth than the vaunted great achievement of M. le Professeur Morse.

"In truth," says Walpole, "every step of this pretended discovery, as it stands in Lord Bacon, warns us to give no heed to it.

That is not a little discovery, for when his mind came to grips with human life Shakespeare did not deal in rhetoric; so that the good he finds is real good''tis in grain; 'twill endure wind and weather'.

May they not be easily satisfied with informations of one man, and incessantly press another to farther discoveries?

Morriston without further preface related the story of the locked door in the tower and of the subsequent discovery when it had been opened.

I will deprive my mother of the satisfaction of making a gradual discovery.

Thusto give a single instanceno man can now be a first-rate botanist unless he be also no mean meteorologist, no mean geologist, andas Mr. Darwin has shown in his extraordinary discoveries about the fertilisation of plants by insectsno mean entomologist likewise.

The wire being now quiet, I fell into a musing upon the singular discovery I had made,and whether I should get anything from the public or the government for revealing it.

One might almost call them patented human beingspatentees of spiritual discoveries, or of aspects of humanity, whose patents can never be infringed for all our cleverness.

What'll the next stage be?" The next stage was an arrival in London in the middle of a lovely May morning, a swift drive to Celia Lennard's flat in Bedford Court Mansions, the hurried rummaging of its owner amongst an extraordinary mass of papers, books, and documents, and the ultimate discovery of the French maid's address.

229 adjectives to describe  discoveries