42 adjectives to describe docks

It had been in a skirmish with one of these venturesome enemy vessels that the Queen Mary had received injuries that necessitated her going into dry dock for a few days, while she was given an overhauling and her wounds healed.

There is also an extensive dry-dock, hewn out of the solid rock, capacious enough to receive large vessels.

On looking into one of the wet docks, I saw the name of the vessel alluded to; I walked over the decks of several others, and got on board her.

"Then, after the cakes are separated, they are floated down to a little dock, and carried up into the store house.

In the criminal dock stood a woman alone, To be judged for her crime, her one fault to repair, And the man who gave evidence sat like a stone, With a look of contempt for the woman's despair!

Cato was expected to land at the commercial docks below the Aventine (see below), where the senate and magistrates were awaiting him, but with his usual rudeness rowed past them to the navalia.]

The unloaded cargoes piled up the same articles on the principal docks,wheat, much wheat, sulphur and saltpeter for the composition of explosive material.

Rasula, undaunted but crazed with disappointment, stuck to his colours on the deserted dock.

Bobby Shafto's gone to sea Every lady in this land Great A, little a Hark, hark Sing a song of sixpence Hickory, dickory dock Hot-cross buns!

And you know nothing of this Frenchman?" "Nothing except that he came from Havre on La Touraine last Thursday, and drove from the dock direct to Vantine's house.

His fellow passengers, in unfamiliar costumes, were standing about with their eyes glued upon the distant docks.

Lines were thrown to the people on the ice, who soon hauled the schooner up to the head of her frozen dock.

Who projected the gray docks of Montreal?

The hardy docks are showing, and the young nettles have risen up.

The tide flows close up to the wharves which run outside of the city, and differs so little in height at ebb or flow, that vessels of the largest class ride, I believe, at all times as safely as in the West India docks in London, or the imperial docks of Liverpool.

The tobacco plant, though growing in many parts of Florida spontaneously, like the broad-leafed dock in England, is often cultivated in garden-ground for domestic use, some of the finer kinds being as aromatic as those of Cuba.

The magnificent docks are capable of taking the largest liners, and as the port of embarkation for South Africa its consequence will increase still more as that great country develops.

BRUNEL, ISAMBARD KINGDOM, son of the preceding, assisted his father in his engineering operations, in particular the Thames tunnel; was engineer of the Great Western Railway; designed the Great Western steamship, the first to cross the Atlantic; was the first to apply the screw propeller to steam navigation; designed and constructed the Great Eastern; constructed bridges and naval docks (1806-1859).

But the small boat edged away from close proximity to the tug and the near-by dock.

Boston Common; the Harbor; the Mall on the Common; Fort Warren; the Old Elm Tree on the Common; Bunker Hill Monument; Fountain on the Common; Park Street Church, orthodoxthese other docks are at East Boston; Children of the Public Schools playing on the Common; Faneuil Hall; Frog Pond on the Common; the Public Garden, etc.

At all the royal docks there are officers already stationed, and in any other place what can an officer, deputed by his majesty, do more than hire workmen, who will as cheerfully and as diligently serve any other person?

The river was deep enough to allow the passage up to the sawmill site of a small barge, and a preliminary of the work was to build a rude dock.

That at Portsmouth, N.H., is also nearly ready for delivery; and a contract has been concluded, agreeably to the act of Congress at its last session, for a floating sectional dock on the Bay of San Francisco.

"I never thought," said the Flag Captain, "that I would willingly spend two days shut up in a smelly dock, but you may count me in, sir.

Great heaps of coal and wood were stacked behind tall planks, and alongside black, sooty docks lay bulky freight steamers; but over all was spread a shimmering, transparent mist, which made everything appear so big and strong and wonderful that it was almost beautiful.

42 adjectives to describe  docks