15 adjectives to describe dregs

Merit like yours was Heav'n's peculiar care, You lov'dyet tasted happiness sincere: To you the sweets of love were only shown, The sure succeeding bitter dregs unknown.

" This sentiment was received with shouts of applause, and in honouring it the jam-pots were drained to their muddy dregs.

Added to this, his health was weak and susceptible of nervous excitementthe dregs of his old complaint.

Fearful dregs of Destiny.

The men were disputing over some miserable dregs of wine at the bottom of a skin.

Added to this, his health was weak and susceptible of nervous excitementthe dregs of his old complaint.

You will see that I am worn to the poetical dregs, condescending to Acrostics, which are nine fathom beneath Album versesbut they were written at the request of the Lady where our Emma is, to whom I paid a visit in April to bring home Emma for a change of air after a severe illness, in which she had been treated like a daughter by the good Parson and his whole family.

From this time on, the Russians at Tabriz continued to hang or shoot any Persian whom they chose to consider guilty of the crime of being a "Constitutionalist." When the fighting there was first reported, a high official of the Foreign Office at St. Petersburg, in an interview to the press, made the statement that Russia would take vengeance into her own hands until the "revolutionary dregs" had been exterminated.

"A fine thing wine!" said Saphir Ali, carefully wiping the glasses; "surely Mahomet must have met with sour dregs in Aravéte, when he forbade the juice of the grape to true believers!

Thick dregs from the goblet splashed on the tiles.

Merit like yours was Heav'n's peculiar care, You lov'dyet tasted happiness sincere: To you the sweets of love were only shown, The sure succeeding bitter dregs unknown.

One fellow said he knew this was the Creator's dumping place where he had left the worthless dregs after making a world, and the devil had scraped these together a little.

The bowl of reparation had been emptied to its last atoning dregs.

Wutzler came shambling in, held a bottle against the light, and squinted ruefully at the yellow dregs.

Suddenly she could no more: memories unspeakable rose like disturbed dregs to the surface of her consciousness.

15 adjectives to describe  dregs