18 adjectives to describe drowsiness

After a few moments, the huddling together of their bodiesfor, the Professor being a spare man, there was room for them all on the back seatthe pile of rugs, the serviceable and all but air-tight hood, induced a pleasant warmth and a pleasant drowsiness.

I know not how long I remained in a sort of painful drowsiness.

As he struggled with the Spirit he was conscious of being exhausted, and overcome by an irresistible drowsiness; and, further, of being in his own bedroom.

Lull them to confident drowsiness.

When I went to the Chapel, I felt considerable drowsiness, and was afraid I should fall asleep; but I lifted up my heart, and entreated the Lord to remove it, which He graciously did, and I sat under His shadow with great delight.

A curious drowsiness began to irritate him; later the irritation subsided and he felt a little sleepy.

When the Bernard team was also stabled, Baldy was overcome with that delicious drowsiness that follows a busy day in the open.

The cold was getting into his very bones, and was causing a fatal drowsiness.

The greater part of the morning he sat by his niece, soothed by the tic-tac of the machine, which caused a gentle drowsiness, watching the cloth pass under the presser with little jumps, spreading the peculiar chemical scent of new stuffs.

Whether because of Clarissa's habitual drowsiness or their own interest in other matters, the shaggy horse had gone faster than they, and when presently they came to a long stretch of straight road their hosts of the night had disappeared.

Contact with Frowenfeld had robbed him of his pleasant mental drowsiness, and the oft-encountered apparition of the dark sharer of his name had become a slow-stepping, silent embodiment of reproach.

A notable drowsiness has settled on my braina drowsiness in which thought, though slow, is a thousandfold more fiery-vivid than ever.

And now, it seemed, a peculiar drowsiness was overtaking Mr. Grimm.

There is a giving way to spiritual drowsiness, and upsitting in duties, and in the way of God.

In the quiet atmosphere of the "Infirmary" she soon fell asleep again, to waken at times, listen to the singing of the birds in the woods, feel the breezes stealing caressingly through her hair, and then to drop back once more into blissful drowsiness which erased from her mind all memory of yesterday's visit to Atlantis, and of Mary Sylvester's wonderful rescue of the robin.

Unusual and baffling symptoms showed themselves; and after suffering during eight days from alternate acute pain, and heavy, unconquerable drowsiness, she expired in her nephew's arms.

In the scorching evenings around the equator, it was enough for him to give an order to rouse things and beings from their brutish drowsiness.

The first great successes with thyroid were achieved in adults, particularly adult women, exhibiting a peculiar obesity, coldness, loss of hair and teeth and a remarkable lassitude and torpor that might be summed up as a chronic drowsiness, like a saturation of the blood with some narcotic drug.

18 adjectives to describe  drowsiness