10 adjectives to describe drummer

The Musical drummer.

James Miller came on first, preceded by two disabled Drummers, to shew, I suppose, that the Prospect of maimed Bodies did not in the least deter him.

He would have blushed to admit it, but perhaps a secret instinct held him back from the offers of service made him by this eager "drummer."

It was a very hot day and the fat drummer who wanted the twelve-twenty train got through the gate at just twelve-twenty-one.

And when he gets home he finds a brigade of those literary drummers, known as reporters, sitting on his doorsteps, from beneath whose classic foreheads there glares a wild and hungry eye, to be pacified only by a satisfactory interview.

Clark kept the troops cheered up by every possible means, and records that he was much assisted by "a little antic drummer," a young boy who did good service by making the men laugh with his pranks and jokes.

She has no place in the chain of dancing fanatics but stands in the centre near the drummers, now breaking into a "pas seul" on her own account, now urging a laggard with all the force of a powerful vocabulary, beating time the while upon the shoulder of the nearest drummer.

The official drummer could explain by the high and low alternations of his taps that a deed of violence just done was not a crime but a pourparler for the forming of a league.

Clark kept the troops cheered up by every possible means, and records that he was much assisted by "a little antic drummer," a young boy who did good service by making the men laugh with his pranks and jokes.

He says that the Chippewa Indians called the Wolverine "Gween-guh-auga," which means underground drummer.

10 adjectives to describe  drummer